These were supposed to be the kid’s 1-year pictures. Technically, they’re 13 months old in these pictures, but that’s close enough, right? I had these made by a Korean photographer a few weeks ago. I’ve been dying to get them back, but sadly when I went to pick them up yesterday, not all the pictures I had ordered were there. Even with Mrs. Yu translating for me, the language barrier still tripped us up! No problem, ah-jo-shi (a term used for any older Korea man), is printing my remaining pictures and giving me a CD with all the pictures on it! Isn’t that great?! Now I’ll be able to burn copies of the CD and mail it back to grandparents in the states, who can then have as many pictures as they want printed off! Having these pictures made was an ordeal! You all know we’re not shy about having pictures made…Ella and Sterling are pros! But this was not an experience like any other. It literally took 2 days of being in the studio for 2-3 hours each day! I have never in my entire life been so exhausted after a photo shoot! Let me just mention, this was no Portrait Innovations or Picture People. I think the pictures turned out beautifully. And just in case you’re wondering…no, the kids are not wearing make-up…it just looks that way!

I couldn’t wait to share these pictures with you!

I love Sterling's expression in this picture!

I am most excited about these pictures! Sterling and Ella are wearing the traditional Korean clothing called the hanbok, which is beautiful, vibrantly colored clothing worn for traditional festivals or celebrations, which became customary during the Joseon Dynasty. It’s very common to have your baby wear a hanbok for their 1-year pictures. They’re just exquisite, and quite the ordeal to get into. They don’t zip up the back! Ella’s hanbok was actually 3 separate layers! Sterling’s hanbok had a headpiece also, but he kept pulling it off and refusing to wear it…clearly not a well-behaved Korean baby.

With the completion of the one year pictures, I am finally able to finish their one year montage. I love looking at how much they have grown from their newborn pictures to their one year pictures. It's neat, because with each 3-month interval, the changes are very subtle; but the change from newborn to one year is so drastic.

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