We didn’t have a particularly wet April, but we’re getting lots of showers now. Since it’s been raining the past few days, I brought the baby gym inside. It’s huge, and bulky, and we really have no place to put it that’s out of the way; but the kids LOVE playing in this thing. At least it’s keeping them entertained while we can’t go outside for wagon rides and walks!

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating now…if the sight of half chewed food makes your stomach queasy, you may want to scroll past this.
Michael is in the field for a couple of days, so it’s just the kids and me tonight. I made us some spaghetti for dinner, stripped the kids down to their socks and diapers, and then let them have at it! It was so much fun watching them make a huge mess of themselves! If the tomato faces aren’t a sure indicator, the fact that not one noodle was tossed on the floor says to me they pretty much loved spaghetti! It took at least a half hour for them to finish the plate I had made them, but they truly loved every last bit of it. Sterling, who is often my pickier eater, even gladly ate the mushrooms! I don’t think I even need to mention where the next stop was…

Sterling got a noodle up the nose! The worst part is, by the time I finished snapping this picture, the noodle had disappeared…I’m really not sure where that noodle went.

Ella thought her brother looked pretty funny with spaghetti all over his face…clearly she hadn’t looked in the mirror.

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