Today was a day full of BIG surprises! We blew up the baby gym Grand-Mère sent the kids for their birthday. It was a hit, as you can tell by the fact that Ella was trying to climb back into it while I was taking a picture! It’s great fun, and came with balls…which Sterling promptly gathered up and threw out.

Watch Ella and Sterling playing in their new baby gym at:

While it’s still too cool to pull out the kiddy swim pool and fill it up, we did put the kids’ bathing suits on them and let them play with the water from the hose (it was definitely warm enough for that). They had a lot of fun splashing in the water. I CANNOT wait till this summer when I can put them in the kiddy pool. You know Sterling will be splishing and splashing! Watch them enjoying the hose at:

Ella must think she’s cruising the strip at the beach! She takes a moment out from playing with the hose to enjoy a little spin in the car.

Okay, I had to include this rear shot of Ella’s bathing suit. Is it not the prettiest thing ever? I love it! It’s so gilry with it’s pink frills!

I just thought this was such a cute picture of Sterling, but boy oh boy does he look grown up! And he has a mouth full of teeth to prove how grown he is…3 full molars now, and a 4th on it’s way.

Heather’s mom has one of these little cars at her house for her 3-year-old niece who she watches during the week. Ella and Sterling have loved playing with the car over there, so we’ve been on a search for one. You wouldn’t believe to what ends of the Earth I had to drive to find this car. This may sound silly, but I really wanted a recognizable American brand car, just because I’m not sure if Korea has the same lead testing standards we have in the states or not. Of course, those seem to have failed this past year with all the lead toy recalls, huh? Anyhow, I was able to find a Step 2 Toddler Tunes Car (and paid way too much for it).
The fine art of taking turns isn’t something 14 month olds seem to love, but so far they’re doing pretty good; one goes in the other comes out, and then repeat. Watch them playing with their new toddler tunes car at:

Sterling really loves honking the horn, which plays a little melody every time you press it.

There is clearly one thing wrong with this car…it’s not built for two. Poor Ellabell hasn’t figured out yet that when Sterling is sitting in the car, she can’t sit beside him, but that hasn’t stopped her from trying! Do they make a baby SUV?

When we lived on Crest Street, Michael was affectionately known as the Pied Piper. If there was an animal within a mile radius, it would find it’s way to Michael. We even had a snapping turtle show up in our front yard once! Lucy Goosey the dog spent many afternoons “helping” Michael wash the boat on the driveway...she wasn’t our dog! Well, it looks like the Pied Piper has found his way to Korea...and now he has a daughter. Our nanny has 3 dogs, one of which has "adopted" us. This is Youn-Doe-Dee. He is a permanent fixture on our deck now. The kids love him, particularly Ella, who will stand at the sliding glass door leading outside and shout “pup! pup! pup!” He’s very good and patient with the babies, and doesn’t seem to mind too terribly much their constant poking and following. I commented to Soon-Quan (the nanny’s son) that his dog was spending a lot of time up at our house, to which he replied, “He is loyal to Michael.” Yes, the Pied Piper.

Ella really is obsessed with the “pup” or “cha-kae” as you say in Hangul. Watch the kids “playing” with Youn-Doe-Dee at:

This is our sweet little neighbor Heather. Thank you for all the suggestions on what the kids should give her for her birthday. I had one GREAT suggestion, but it will require a little help from all our friends and family who are reading this blog. I’d love to ask everyone to send Heather a birthday postcard. Maybe a postcard with a picture of the state you live in? Then we’ll get her a map of the US, and let her mark where all her postcards are from. I can think of lots of different states we could cover…Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, North Carolina…and that’s just to name a few! So many Koreans are familiar with New York, California, or Washington, but often when they ask where we’re from, they have no idea where Alabama is. Wouldn’t this be a neat way to become a little more familiar with the states? Just a simple post card with “Happy Birthday” on it would be great! Besides, what 10-year-old doesn’t love getting mail? Everyone can mail them to Heather c/o our APO address, so no one will incur any international shipping charges. It only costs 27 cents to send a postcard! Let me know if you don’t have our new APO address (Box 156), and I’ll be glad to get it to you. Thank you in advanced to everyone who will help make this darling little girl’s birthday even more exciting!
Remember...her birthday is July 2nd!
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