Monday, June 8, 2009

We went down to Huntsville today to have pictures made in the Christening gowns Sterling and Ella wore last weekend. Talk about the eleventh hour- Ella's gown was a 3 month size, and just barely buttoned. I truly doubt she would have fit into her gown if I waited a single day longer. Luckily, the pictures don't show exactly what a stuffed sausage she was. Can you believe she even still fit into a 3 month gown at 10 months? Anyhow, I was pleased with the way the pictures turned out, and even happier with the way my little pro models did in front of the camera. I swear, these kids have their pictures taken so often, they only have to see a camera and they start cheesing.

No good reason for having these pictures made in their play clothes- aside from they were just being cuties.And I had to get a picture of Ella pulling up since it's her big new accomplishment. Sterling promises to wow us all at his one year pictures.

Tonight after a long nap to recover from the trip to Huntsville and photo shoot, the kids went to their little buddy Maddox’s half birthday party. Everyone had so much fun- 3 babies at a table lends for a lot of excitement. Ella and Sterling even got to partake in the eating of the chocolate pudding dessert. Sadly the half birthday boy was too tired (and too young) to enjoy his “cake,” but no worries, he’ll be ready to destroy his next birthday cake this July.
Daddy gives Ella a dollop of chocolate pudding to try. She adamantly agrees that's the good stuff!

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