Ella's "mini skirt" keeps bunching up because of her fuzzi bunz cloth diaper- I guess she'll be going as Britney Spears for Halloween this year!
I won't have too many Halloweens when I can dress them up in such silly little costumes, so I might as well enjoy it while I can! I'm sure it won't be too long 'till they want to dress up as Shrek- ogres AREN'T cute. One day they'll die of embarrassment when I show their prom dates these pictures! Until then, they're my precious lil' duckies.

Trick-or-Treat Checklist:
Duck costume... check
Stroller.... check
Pumpkin bucket for collecting loot... check
Brother... check
Sister... check
Mommy... check
Let the fun begin!

Tonight the twins went trick-or-treating for the very first time with their friends Lorelai and Katelyn. Kateyln dressed as "Piglet" this year and Lorelai went as an elephant (a girl after my own heart). We had so much fun enjoying the childhood wonderment of going door to door collecting candy. Lorelai is 3 this year and hasn't mastered "trick-or-treat," instead she says "chocolate treat." No tricks from that sweet girl! The babies were of course a hit at every house we went to. EVERYONE had to ohhh and ahhh over our little ducks. We collected candy for an hour and a half and Ella and Sterling were terrific the whole time. Neither one of them fussed once. I think they were mesmerized with all the pumpkins, lights, and costumes. A Happy Halloween for all!

Lorelai happily obliged to carry Ella and Sterling’s bucket around collecting candy for them. Luckily for Mommy the babies agreed to share their candy this year!

The very best part about living in one place almost your entire life is the time-honored traditions you can count on year after year. We moved to Steeplechase Neighborhood when I was four years old, and now here I am taking MY little ones around for Halloween. It was neat taking the kids to neighbors’ houses that knew me when I was just a little girl, and getting to show them my little goblins. Growing up everyone knew you had to make it to the Orrico’s house on Halloween. You could always count on Nate and Nancy to fill your bag with a full size candy bar. So, in honor of tradition, and in looking for that candy bar, we made sure to stop by. They were of course very excited to give each baby a candy bar and take a picture with Ella and Sterling.

After a long night trick-or-treating, Piglet (AKA Katelyn) helps feed Ella her bedtime bottle.
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