... biter biscuits. Today we let Ella and Sterling try biter biscuits for the first time. They were HEAVILY supervised; as Mommy was terrified they might choke on one if they managed to break off a piece. Fortunately no one choked on his or her biscuit, and everyone really enjoyed the new and very messy experience.
Mirror mirror on the floor...

...who's the fairest girl of all? Ellabell is! She's so vain- she LOVES looking at herself in her little play mirror. Hummm, reminds me a little of her Daddy.
As we use up the last of our disposable diapers, we’re left with extra large cardboard boxes- perfect for entertaining babies! Sterling thinks this toy beats the exersaucer in the fun factor. Add a toy or two, park a baby, and you have a good 15-20 minutes of self entertainment, plus the added security of knowing they can’t go anywhere! On another note, can you believe this one box of diapers would only last us a week? I’m still loving our Fuzzi Bunz and have ordered some additional diapers to add to our stash. I think we may only use disposables at night or on long car/plane trips from now on.

Two can play this game!
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