Michael has been in the field for the past few days. He brought home a couple pictures of their field exercises to share with everyone. This wasn’t such a great field exercise for Michael…he caught the cold Sterling had the day before he left. Then the first night they were in the field, it poured buckets (they were sleeping intents). Needless to say, he’s very happy to be home.

Watch a fun video of Michael's soldiers practicing with their gas masks at:

Some Katusas (Republic of Korea Army soldiers) enjoying a meal in the field. Looks yummy...or not.

Okay, this is absurd. This dog WILL NOT leave. And truly, I’m not picking favorites. The reason it’s always Ella and Youn-doe-dee pictured is because she is flat out obsessed with him. Sterling thinks he’s pretty neat, and will walk up to him and greet him, but not Ella. She spends the ENTIRE day standing at the window saying “pup?” The minute we go outside, she’s all over this dog. She won’t let him get away for even a second.

We are loving this little car. I see lots of kilometers being logged on it’s little odometer over the next couple years. This picture just cracks me up. Sterling is trying to “explain” to Ella how the musical horn works.

I had to show off Sterling’s little shoes. I ordered them from a lady off of Etsy.com. Yes, I know this is becoming an obsession...actually, his whole outfit was ordered from sellers on Etsy. Anyhow, these great little soft-soled shoes read “S.C.” Ella also got an “E.S.” pair.

Michael is coaching a softball team on base. They haven’t had their first game yet, so I can’t vouch for how good or not so good they are. They’ve been practicing a ton, so tonight the kids and I went to cheer the team on during their practice.

It’s hard to describe exactly how much this little boy loves his Daddy. It’s so amazing to me to watch. Michael will walk in after work, and as soon as Sterling sees him, he’s running to him, making these little excited babbles and laughs. It’s so precious! Even our Korean neighbors are aware of Sterling’s love for his Daddy and often make comments about Sterling and Appa (Daddy). I think the above picture pretty much sums up what Sterling thinks about his Daddy.

Born in the USA…and proud of it!
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