Well, Sterling now has 2 molars coming in, and Ella’s not far behind. Her first molar hasn’t broken the gum line yet, but you can very much so feel it just under her gums on her right upper jaw. It doesn’t necessarily seem to be hurting her, she’s not fussy or anything, but I think she definitely feels it. She keeps running her tongue over that corner of her mouth, which was my first clue that something was up. She’s spending a lot of time with her tongue peeking out the corner of her mouth, like in the above picture. I imagine it might itch a little to grow a tooth. And those molars are pretty vicious! Let me say, we had a pretty easy go of growing their first 8 teeth (x2!), but these molars are a different story. They don’t just break skin one time. Oh no! They break skin in the front of the tooth, in the back of the tooth, and finally the center of the tooth. We have actually been going through the baby Orajel like crazy with Sterling. One night he took a bite out of a soft banana, and melted into a hysterical puddle of tears. Needless to say, we knew exactly what the problem was…and it was easily remedied with a frozen waffle.

While our friends back in the states are celebrating Cinco de Mayo, enjoying some yummy Mexican food, we’re celebrating Korea’s Children’s Day. May 5th is Children’s Day here. I can think of 2 nephews who will be greatly saddened to know that somewhere there’s a day just for kids…and they’ve been missing out on it their whole lives! It’s a day totally devoted to celebrating children and generally spoiling them. It’s a national holiday, so all the schools were out for the day. We joined Mrs. Yu and her daughter Eun Ji in going out to dinner this evening at one of our favorite colby houses. You wouldn’t believe how many children were at the restaurant! It was the first time we’ve ever had to wait for a table at a restaurant here, and once we got seated, it was like a zoo! There was so much excitement with all the children running around that Ella and Sterling remained fully entertained through the whole meal. We all had a really great time…actually; it was probably the most fun we’ve had going out to eat in a long time.
Watch Ella playing with Eun Ji’s cell phone, and giving a little dance to the ring tone at:
While waiting for a table, we found a great way to pacify Sterling…let him wear Daddy’s sunglasses! The boy just loves sunglasses!

Sterling is learning to make friends (beyond his BFF Ella)! Tonight, this little boy was seated at the table adjacent to ours. He and Sterling were very curious about each other. Sterling kept trying to give the boy part of his mushy, slobbery melba toast. Luckily, I had extra snacks in the diaper bag and we were able to share those instead. They were so cute together…they even exchanged a great big hug before we left!

I always hate to go backwards, and mess up the order to my blog, but I forgot to include this picture a couple days ago, and it was so funny, it needed to be added. Sunday night Michael and I were obviously not paying close enough attention to all babies, because at one point we turned to each other and said, “where’ Ella?” Well, Ella is always into trouble if you have to ask that question. And so, we found her…sitting underneath the table with a soda that had previously been on top of the table. She was sitting in a puddle of orange soda! I wish I could have seen her face the first time she took a swallow…she’s never had carbonation before, and I’m sure it surprised her! So, I ran and grabbed my camera, and got this picture of Ella sitting in a sticky orange puddle before we headed off to the bathtub. Too funny.
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