Ice cold milk and an Oreo cookie…They forever go together…What a classic combination.
Ella may be missing the Oreo cookie, but she certainly loves drinking her milk out of a big girl cup! I’ve been in a bit of a struggle with her to get her to drink her milk from a sippy cup. She’s very capable of drinking from a sippy cup, and spends the better part of the day drinking water or a ¾ parts water 1/4 part juice mixture out of a sippy cup, but the minute you pour milk into that sippy cup, she starts pushing it away or even throwing it across the room. WHY?! I have no idea. If you then pour that milk into a bottle for her, she’ll happily drink it up, but I’m really hoping to be done with bottles very soon. So, this morning Michael was drinking a glass of milk, which Ella was very interested in. He let her have the cup, and what do you know? She drank it all the way down to the last drop. I have no idea what her objection is to drinking milk from a sippy cup, but I guess we may just bypass the sippy and go straight to the cup for her milk. Crazy girl.

Gotta love that milk mustache…but what a solemn face.

I was just about to pack up the exersaucer this weekend, when it got a second lease on life. I’ve been hesitant to put it up, although truly, the kids hate being in it anymore. They pretty much hate being in anything that contains them and prohibits their exploration and destruction. I’ve kept it out just in case I need a safe “baby holding station” but even that results in tears and screams of frustration. So, just as we went to pack it up today, Michael popped the seat out, and what would you know? It’s like a brand new toy! You’ll notice in the above picture Ella isn’t actually sitting in the exersaucer, but rather standing, un-contained. Now the kids have found it’s great fun to crawl up through the hole to play with the toys, and then pop back down and walk off when they’re finished. So, I guess we’ll keep the exersaucer around just a while longer.

This ensemble is a combination of Sterling’s Grandmother and Grand-Mère. Grandmother sent the kids these super adorable froggy outfits, while Grand-Mère and Uncle Billy picked up the froggy hat on their recent trip to the beach. Just perfect together, don’t you think? Thank you again!

Okay, well, the froggy hat was supposed to be for Sterling, but he wasn’t exactly in the mood to wear it today. Ella on the other hand was delighted to dawn the froggy hat for the duration on their wagon ride. Go figure.

Daddy was ready to kill me for doing this to his little girl, but I just had to! You know I’m dying to play with Ella’s hair! And look, that counts as a real pigtail, right?

She’s going to murder me over these pictures one day, I know. But look at the little geyser of a pigtail sprouting from her head! It’s too, too funny!

Our sweet boy.

Okay, I know this isn’t exactly a huge milestone, but we’re proud just the same! The kids have really been working to master going from a standing position, to squatting without falling to a seated position, and then standing back up again. This week they’ve finally got it together. It really makes them look like toddlers to see them squatting, huh? Or maybe they’re just being influenced by all the Koreans around them who spend a great deal of time squatting?

The many faces of Sterling and Ellabell. (You may have to click on the above image to get a larger picture.)

Okay, so I went a little heavy on the pictures today, but the kids just looked so cute, and I figured the grandparents wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of pictures, right? I also uploaded a couple new videos to Youtube.com. The first is a video of the kids going on a wagon ride with Daddy.
The second video is the same wagon ride, but we meet a neighbor along the way, so there is a small exchange of dialog.
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