Ella has decided she'd much rather drink her water out of a regular cup (versus a sippy cup). She's actually very good at controlling the cup...she won't even let me hold it for her anymore! The only problem with real cups vs. sippy cups is, with a sippy cup they can walk around with it, throw it on the floor when they get distracted or whatever, and they don't slosh water everywhere. For now big girl cups are only for when she's sitting in the highchair. Watch Ella drinking from her cup at:

Ella and Sterling have been invited to their first birthday party. This is the first time they will be attending a party as a guest..well, okay, we went to the group birthday party at the orphanage last week, but that probably doesn't really count. Oh, and they attended Maddox Locke's half birthday...but none of the babies were really ready for pin the tail on the donkey back then. They're probably still too young for tail pinning or any other games for that matter, but we're still excited to attend their first "real" party! The party is being thrown at a local banquet hall for one of Michael's Korean national co-worker's second son. Sung Woon will be celebrating his 1st birthday from 6-9pm this Saturday. Like I mentioned before the babies' first birthday back in March, first birthday celebrations are a very big deal here...they rented out a banquet hall for heaven's sake! We're really looking forward to attending, and can't wait to show everyone lots of pictures!
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