Flowers aren't the only thing Michael's been growing around here! He planted a little garden in our yard, and has been growing strawberries, a variety of herbs, corn, cantalope, watermelon, and pumpkins. So far we've only has a few tiny strawberries, but I think in about a month or so, we'll have a plentiful bounty! He's so proud of this little garden and is out there bright and early every morning watering.

I hope you can read the little sign in the above picture. I'm not sure what made Michael decide this was "Alabama" corn, as opposed to any other state...particularly since the seeds were actually sent from Georgia. In any case, he's growing "Alabama corn." Guess you can take the boy out of the south, but you just can't take the south out of the boy.

Knee high to a grasshopper. With a little help from our model Ella, you can see how tall Michael's corn is already.

He's loving known around here as...chunk a lunk...because he's getting so heavy these days!
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