Today we met Leah and her girls, Lorelai and Katelyn at the mall to go to Build A Bear Workshop. All the little ones got to pick out their bear, watch it get stuffed with fluff, add a silk heart, and pick out an outfit for their stuffed animal. Lorelai made a purple hippo, Katelyn made a white polar bear, Sterling made a Rudolph, and Ella made a Clarice (Donner's daughter, and Rudolph's girlfriend). Sterling even got to step on the fluffing pedal to fill his animal.

Lorelai was very brave and stepped on the pedal to fill her hippo bear with fluff. She was concentrating very hard on getting just the right amount of stuffing in that hippo- look at that little tongue poking out of her mouth!

Sterling proudly displays his finished product- a Rudolph that’s not much smaller than he is! Ella on the other hand had to worry about her paci getting stolen for the hundredth time. Lorelai and Katelyn loooove to “take care of” the little babies, which includes putting their paci’s back in if they fall out. What that really means is they keep pulling the paci’s out just so they can put them back in! Luckily, Ella and Sterling are rather patient babies, and accept this game. It was so much fun for everyone, including the mommies who then had Starbucks and watched the kids play with their new toys.

Ella, Sterling, Lorelai and Katelyn all pose for a picture in front of a Christmas tree at the mall.
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