Wednesday, June 10, 2009

April 26- ET phone home

The kids have really gained exceptional control over their fingers lately. It's so amazing how they grow from not being able to control their flailing hands, to picking up Puffs, to being able to use those tiny little fingers to point. This week we made the transition from gesturing towards objects to actually pointing with one tiny little extended finger. They also have found it's great fun to point at people. If you thought it was rude to point in the states, you can't even begin to fathom how rude it is considered to point, here in Korea. Unfortunately, the first time I noticed them pointing was while we were out to eat at a Korea restaurant. They both decided to use the opportunity of being in public to begin pointing at everything and everyone! Ugh *mommy crawls under the table....* In an attempt to encourage them to develop this fine motor skill, but not to use it in a way offensive to the culture they're surrounded by, we've come up with a new game. I call it "ET." I point my finger at them, and they point back until our fingers meet. They are endlessly tickled by this, and I'm relieved that most Koreans know Steven Spielberg, and find this little "trick" amusing!
And what beats playing "ET" with Mommy? Playing "ET" together... so sweet!
Today is a pretty big day for Ella...and Mommy. Today Ella is 100% weaned. She's been weaning down since their first birthday, but today it's nothing but sippy cups (and 1 bottle/ day still) from here on out. It makes me so proud that I reached this large goal I set for myself to nurse for the first year, but at the same time it makes me a little sad. It's the last part of the first year coming to a close. Sterling weaned himself at just over 10 months...I guess Ella's just a Mama's girl, holding out 'till just over 13 months. I guess it's officially time to pack up the Boppy pillows.
Ella goes for a test walk in "baby sister" Locke's new Mary Janes...she says they're just right! Grammy sent these adorable shoes for Ella to borrow, since it will be a while before they end up on "baby sister's" feet. She's already a sweet baby, letting Ella borrow her shoes...a sign of days to come?
The kids have picked up a new language. Well, sort of. They have actually begun to sign back to us. I started this endeavor somewhat half heartedly last December. I haven't been very consistent with it, but it's actually starting to pay off! The kids have picked up a few signs...milk, more, Mommy/Daddy (they use either interchangeably), baby, and of course, "goon-gee" which is Korean. I didn't teach them the Korean sign; they came home from the nanny's with that one. I actually didn't realize they were making that motion until another Korean saw it. "Goon-gee" doesn't actually mean anything, it's just a game they play with children to encourage hand when we sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and do the hand motions. Sterling enjoys signing "goon-gee" A LOT. That’s what he’s signing in the above picture. It’s pointing with your index finger to an open palm. Ella being the girly girl she is likes to sign baby the most. She’s really cute about it too. The sign for baby is holding your arms like there's an imaginary baby in them, and swaying them side to side. When Ella's standing and signs "baby" she swings her arms so forcefully her whole body twists from side to side. Get a peep at Ella practicing some of her signs at:

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