We joined Michael’s company today on their trip to the Yeoju Ceramics Festival. I love this festival, so I was more than happy to tag along! The kids have become slightly obsessed with “the wheels on the bus” song lately, and were beyond excited to see a real bus. They were even more excited to actually get on the bus! Sterling even got to practice “the driver on the bus says move on back…” Watch Sterling and Ella singing the wheels on the bus at:

Our first stop on the way to the festival was at the last empress of Korea’s birthplace. We stopped at Empress Myeongseong’s (also known as Queen Min) birthplace in Yeoju. Empress Myeongseong was the wife of King Gojong during the Joseon dynasty. In 1895 under Japanese attack assassins entered Gyeongbok Palace and killed then burned the empress’s body. The empress was only 43 years old. Pretty horrific, huh?

I must confess, I love that we have all these pictures of the kids in all these historic places. What fun their baby books will be to reminisce over!

The birthplace.

A princess entering a princess’s garden.

Empress Ella.

Well, I guess that’s one way to use the stroller. I guess the kids were getting tired of riding and felt the need to help Daddy push their stroller.

I was about to put a sign on the stroller that read, “Yes, we are boy/girl twins. Yes, we are American. Yes, we have blonde hair and blue eyes. Thank you for saying we’re beautiful. Have a nice day.” Seriously, we couldn’t walk 3 feet without having to stop and answer the same 3 questions again, and again, and again, pose for pictures, and generally let people fuss over the kids. It’s flattering to a point where it’s annoying. I’m sure we’ll miss this one day, but today it was starting to drive me slightly insane.

Taking a little break from all the breakables to stretch our legs and play on the grass.

We took a ride on a horse drawn carriage. What fun! And what a great way to cool down in the mid-afternoon heat.

Both the kids loved watching the horse trot along. They spent almost the entire ride saying, “awww, cute horsh” . And finally! A semi nice family picture with both babies facing the camera and not strapped to our backs! Hooray!

I’m so excited about this hat! We all have these matching hats now (even Michael and myself)! They’re the Columbia Omni Shade Bora Bora Jr. Booney for Kids. I’m such a copycat. I didn’t stumble upon these myself; actually, I found them through another blog! I think they’ll be perfect for us this summer. Last summer we spent so much time tromping around Korea slathering ourselves in sunscreen. This year we’ll have the added protection of our booney hats! My only complaint about our fantastic new hats is the level of UPF protection. The adult version has a 50 UPF protection level, but the tots only have a 3o UPF protection. What sense does that make? Protect the little one’s perfect skin before you protect mine! Anyhow, that one small qualm aside, I love em! I’m hoping we can make them part of our going outside ritual. Before we go outdoors the kids run to the mudroom door and say, “coat on?” They just came to expect that we put our coats on before heading outside. With the warmer weather I’m hoping to turn that into “hat on?”

After a long day it was nice to unwind at home on the deck with some barbeque and a beautiful sunset. Gawd I love summer and look forward to many more of these evenings.
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