I’m afraid we’ve reached the end of an era. I dressed Sterling in this little bubble romper today and realized we may have passed our time for wearing bubbles. I love, love, love bubbles on little babies, but I’m afraid today Sterling just looked like a grape on toothpicks. I still think he looked precious, just a little, um…off? The other little kids at the park were even giving him stares (more than the usual amount…after all, they are usually the first blonde haired, blue eyed kids the other little ones have ever seen not on TV). Bizarre isn’t it? Makes you really appreciate what a melting pot America is. Anyhow, one little old lady came up and grabbed Sterling’s crotch asking if he was a boy or a girl. Oh, and I guess I should add, she was not molesting my child. Little boy parts are something to be proud of here. In fact, on their first birthdays they often have a full frontal naked picture made of a little boy, exhibiting his “family jewels” so to speak. All this is to say, I think this may be the last time Sterling wears a bubble. How sad.

We checked out the giant sand pit at the park today. The park was busy, busy, busy with weekend visitors. Not to mention it’s been so rainy lately that I’m sure everyone was suffering a little cabin fever and glad to get outdoors. The kids had a great time playing with another little brother and sister pair, who’s mother had thought ahead enough to remember sand box toys. Luckily for Ella and Sterling the other kids were kind enough to share their toys. Must remember sand box toys next time.

Sarah will have to correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve never noticed a sand pit at the park before. I believe they just filled it this past week. Well, whatever the case, I think this will be a new favorite spot for us at the park.
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