Good morning, Sterling. Ignoring his half dressedness (yes, that’s a word all my own), this boy certainly wakes up a happy boy. And see, even my kids who have wardrobes fit for royalty spend their mornings running around half dressed in onsies before breakfast!

It’s May 5th so it must be…Cinco de Mayo? No, guess again. Children’s Day! That’s right; every May 5th while our Mexican friends are toasting their independence with margaritas, Korean’s are celebrating their most precious gift, their children. This afternoon Heather and Luter brought over gifts for Ella and Sterling. Wasn’t that nice?

Ella opening her gift.

I think he liked what he got, don’t you?

Ella was happy to show off their gifts.

What is it Sterling? What did you get?

Since sitting in the water table was so much fun yesterday, I decided to fill the pool with water this morning in hopes that by the afternoon the babies would be able to play in it after their naps. It was warmer from the sun, but still a bit too cold for Sterling’s likes. Ella on the other hand thought the temperature was just right. I think she may have some Slovak blood in her after all.

And just one more use for the slide…a water slide!

Look at poor Heather’s hand! Her friend broke her finger! Gah! Not a very good friend if you ask me.

While Ella and Heather played in the pool, Sterling enjoyed taking a ride in the wagon compliments of Luter.

Sterling found the water table to be more his speed today. I’m sure he’ll have fun making waves in the pool this summer when the water is a little warmer. Heaven knows he wins the award for creating the biggest splashes ever night during bath time!

And to complete a fun Children’s Day Daddy brought home ice cream for everyone! This little girl’s favorite!
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