We went to Michael’s work this morning just to visit Daddy. Since Michael didn’t get many pictures of the kids at his work last weekend (um, hello, it’s not like he was running a training exercise with his two toddlers under foot or anything!), I wanted to get a few so they’d have something to remember why we lived in Korea years from now.

Notice the little boy wrapped around his Daddy’s leg? Who wouldn’t be flattered by such devotion?

Hanging out in Daddy’s hum-v.

And hanging out on top of another hum-v.

We busted out the water table this afternoon. It’s been waiting patiently in storage all winter and I think it’s finally warm enough to play with it without getting frostbite! It continues to be as much of a hit this year as it was last year. Maybe even more so!

Point this boy in the direction of the nearest beach, he’s ready to go!

And just like last year, we still believe it is much more fun to sit in the table than to play standing outside of it. Incase you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so; I can’t recommend these water tables enough. They are worth their weight in gold for summer time fun! This year’s model is even cuter than last year’s! I wish I could come up with a logical reason to buy another one.

I think it’s safe to say that size 2T swim trunks are still a bit big on the boy. I’m hoping he’ll grow into them before the end of the season!

Is there anything more delightful than being pushed in the swing by your Daddy?

Just my sweet boy by sunset.
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