Tonight we celebrated the kids’ second birthday. We’re celebrating a little early this year because we can’t imagine having a party and not having Evie there! So this evening we had guests over for a lasagna dinner followed by cake. It was a nice little party, and I think the kids weren’t the only ones to have fun. Our theme this year was Noah’s Ark…2x2…get it? Everything was decorated in animal themes times 2! I made lasagna, salad, caprese salad, garlic bread, sparkling strawberry lemonade punch, and of course a huge bowl of two different kinds of grapes (one of Ella and Sterling’s favorite fruits). Not just not just one, but THREE cakes followed all of this. I thought we’d have enough food, but I under estimated the guest list, and by the time poor Kevin arrived after work, there wasn’t a crumb to be found. Sorry, Kevin! I thought we’d just be having a small affair, but our guest list grew to include 17 people! Guess I should’ve known we’d have a crowd turn out to celebrate these two very special babies second birthday!

Cake #1. I originally thought it was a monkey head cake, but have since changed my mind. I now think it’s a teddy bear head. Well, whatever it is, it was a yummy chocolate cake!

Cake #2. Cow says "moo".

Cake #3. Okay, this cake doesn’t fit with the animal theme at all…it just sounded too good to resist. And who’s ever heard of too much cake? It was a blueberry cheesecake/cherry jubilee ice cream cake. Yum!

I had debated trying to do a craft with the kids during the party, but the idea was nixed due to lack of availability of supplies. No matter, they were all just thrilled to run around with balloons!

Ian. What a little doll! I think you should expect to see lots more of this little one on this blog in coming months!

Ella watches Carvelle very carefully trying to figure out how to make the party blower work. It took a little studying and practicing but by the end of the night she had it figured out!

Sorry Ella, you’ll have to turn that blower around if you hope to have any success with it! I need to note the wonderful seller on Etsy who created Ella and Sterling’s little party hats. She is so creative and I’m really happy with their special little party hats. I’m sure we’ll return to her next year! Here’s a link to her store:

Sterling opened his gift from Carvelle a little early and that was the end of it. He was totally oblivious to the party going on around him…all he cared about was driving his little matchbox cars around the house. Poor Sarah was designated paparazzi for the night and had the hardest time getting him to look up for any pictures. No problem Sarah, you still got some cute pics!

Quandary: Now how am I supposed to go down this slide without letting go of my balloon?

Sterling and Ella open some of their gifts given to them by Ian and his family while Evie watches on very patiently (what a good girl!).

Sterling, Carvelle, Evie and Ella all work together to open a very large gift. Good thing we had Carvelle there…he’s a little older than the other 3 and had the whole opening gifts thing down a little better. What a big helper!

Who cares about the fabulous little table and chairs set Evie gave them for their birthday, these 3 would rather jump up and down on the box like a trampoline!

Cake time!

Ella was able to blow out her own candles this year. What a big girl! Sterling on the other hand tried to touch the flame. Maybe we’ll revisit the candles on their actual birthday and have a little better luck with him.

Cake? Who needs it? I’ve got miniature cars instead!


What a mess! Ice cream cake was a very sticky decision.

Still playing with cars. Are you seeing the obsession here?

Taking time our from partying to care for baby. What a good little mommy.

I have to plug their birthday bibs. You all know how much I love Etsy and all things handmade! I love supporting artisans when they have a quality product. I bought these bibs from a seller on Etsy. She was incredible to work with! I told her my boy/girl twins were having a Noah’s Ark themed party and I wanted some party animal bibs. She created these beautiful works of art for them to wear. She was so helpful and nice, so if you’re in the market for a special bib, I highly recommend checking out her shop:

Do you have to stop putting little girls in cute bloomers once they’re potty trained? Every time Ella pee pees on the potty all I can think of is the day we’ll have to stop buying these precious monogrammed bloomers from:

Birthday Girl.

Birthday Boy.

I hope you enjoy seeing all of our second birthday party pictures. Where oh where has the time gone? Here's a little slide show of some of our favorite pictures from the party (most of these I've included on the blog). Enjoy!
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