Ella and Sterling were pretty excited to wake up to a basket full of treats from the Easter bunny. They both received more candy than they’ll eat this entire year, books, books and more books, and little stuffed bunnies. Watch their excitement for yourself at:

Getting right down to business Sterling cracked an egg open to share some jellybeans with his bunny rabbit.

Ella takes a good look at her Easter basket. She was thrilled to find that these eggs were filled with treats (as opposed to all the empty ones she’s been hunting)! Add Easter Basket as a new word of the week…a favorite word I might add.

Last night the Easter bunny stayed up until the wee hours assembling Easter baskets for all of Michael’s soldiers who are here, separated from their loved ones this holiday. This morning we took the kids to deliver the baskets to the soldiers in the barracks.

Who wouldn’t want these two cuties knocking on their door at 8am to deliver a basket full of goodies? Ella and Sterling had fun knocking on everyone’s door, and I’m glad they got to give a little back this Easter to the men and women who protect their freedoms. God bless you all.

We headed to Seoul for the egg hunt. It’s beautiful in Korea right now! All the cherry trees are in full bloom, and the ground is littered with a pink snow from all their fallen buds. It’s a gorgeous way to celebrate Easter!

The egg hunt is that way Mr. Chick.

The hotel (The Dragon Hill Lodge) was all decorated in eggs, bunnies and chicks for Easter.

Before the egg hunting could begin we enjoyed a brunch on base. It wasn’t the very best brunch we’ve ever had, then again, our standards have been set pretty high, but it was good nonetheless. After all, it’s always nice to enjoy a prime rib someone else cooked!

Playing a little game of peek-a-boo.

Who in the world ever heard of hiding eggs in front of the kids? As soon as they brought the eggs out, Ella's full attention was on watching the loot. She was DYING to get to them! It was very difficult trying to explain patience to a 2-year-old who has been training for this egg hunt.

After all the practice we were off to find some eggs!

Even after all our practice runs, Sterling was happy to recieve a little help from Daddy. Together they managed to pick up an egg or two.

This little girl was going for the kill! I'm surprised she didn't start elbowing other kids out of the way! I did catch her eyeing a few baskets like she might want to steal an egg or two. Luckily she exibited her best sportmanship behavior and we had a successful hunt.

This could be why Sterling isn't an excellent egg hunter...he's too generous! Look at that sweet boy offering up an egg to his Mommy. Gotta love him!

My little debonair. Looking so dapper in his little Easter outfit!

Wishing you a hippity hoppity happy Easter!

Hope your Easter is filled with lots of eggs!

From Wonju, S.Korea to wherever you are, we wish you a happy Easter!

After a long day delivering Easter baskets and hunting eggs, these two were out before we even got off post. They remained asleep the entire drive home, which anyone who knows Seoul weekend traffic knows what a blessing that is. Over all, I’d say it was a successful and memorable Easter.
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