Our sweet young neighbor Luter brought the kids a birthday present this weekend…fish! He knows how much Ella and Sterling love fish, so he brought them each a beta fish. Needless to say, they are beyond excited. The fish have to live high atop the hutch in the kitchen for multiple reasons, Ella and Sterling being one reason, but Symba and Hannah (the cats) being an equal threat to their lives. I’ve found that bringing the fish down to the kid’s table and letting them watch the fish swim circles is a real treat. The fish join our family of 2 cats, the little dog who won’t go home, and a hermit crab (the second crab died…oh darn). How the heck did we become such a petting zoo around here? I told Luter when we leave he’s adopting all these animals…he isn’t looking forward to that.

I love the way Ella says fish it comes out something like “piiiishhhh”. It’s so cute! I’ll try to get it on video this week to share with everyone.
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