Today has been a gorgeous day! Spring has sprung (hopefully) in Wonju! Today it got up to 70*! Michael and I decided it would be a perfect evening for grilling out. I wish we could’ve made it to the park this afternoon, but the kids were having a sleepy day. They woke up at 8:30am, went down for their nap at 12:30pm, then we had to wake them up at 5:10pm! So they slept away this beautiful day. Well, at least we could enjoy the evening…one nice thing about not observing daylight savings time is our evenings are already getting really long!

I like this profile shot. You can see more baby than big kid in this picture. These moments are fleeting...

His beautiful blue eyes never fail to take my breath away. I think he’s just beautiful!

The swing has been re hung in preparation for many long days of swinging!

This little girl loves to swing! The higher you push her, the more she giggles. Fly high little girl!

I think he loves it too!

All monkeys love to swing, right?

You can barely see it, but you’ll notice what he’s standing right next to…the bubble machine. Still working hard to make those bubbles!

Wanna come play? Have you ever seen such a sight? I’m not exactly sure where we’ll have room to put the little water table and inflatable pool this summer. One things for certain, the kids lack nothing in the outdoor entertainment department!

I didn’t even realize this until just now when I was going through our pictures from this evening, deciding which to post on the blog. Something about this pictures screams how big our babies are getting. Last year, when we’d eat out on the deck, Michael and I would eat across from each other, each being responsible for ensuring one baby ate their dinner and stayed put in their seat. Tonight was the first time Michael and I ate one side of the table facing the kids on their side. They did splendidly, eating their dinner very nicely, which only further proves how big they’re getting. Sniffle.

Never a dull moment when you’re eating across the table from this guy. Here he was pointing to and telling me all his different body parts, including his head, which was then covered in ketchup!

Even with a deck full of toys, these two are constantly trying to escape to the yard. Go figure!
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