Sterling got a lesson in static electricity today. He figured out (all on his own I might add) that rubbing a rubber balloon, left over from their party, on his hair would cause it to stick. He thought this was great excitement and spent nearly 15 minutes “sticking” the balloon to his head again, and again, and again.

There’s that balloon. Problem with static electricity is, once you’ve got it, it’s hard to loose it. The balloon seemed to follow him long after he’d lost interest in it.

Graffiti. Yes, my kids have drawn on our wall. Before I took the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to it (those things are amazing…they erase EVERYTHING!) I had to take a picture. Call me crazy, but I swear I see an object in their doodling. You may have to tilt your head slightly to the left…do you see it? Tell me you see the duck! No, we weren’t thrilled with their drawing on the wall, but Michael and I were both tickled at what this scribble looked like. My little Picassos! Now if we could only direct them to a canvas and not the tacky Korean wallpaper…

Tonight our new little friend Ian came over with his parents for a cookout. Sterling and Ella were both thrilled to see their friend again, and continued to express their excitement long after it had clearly frightened Ian. Eventually he got used to their constant shouting, giggling, dancing and trying to give him every toy in the house, and he warmed up to them. It’s funny, Eve is so used to my kids that she doesn’t flinch when Sterling runs up to her, screams with glee and does his little “Evie dance” (he’s so in love). I had forgotten that my children’s brand of excitement might be a little over whelming for another child. Eventually he grew excited to play with my two monkeys and I feel sure that they’ll be great playmates. Quick note here, the chairs that belong to the little table and chair set are way too lightweight. The biggest problem with that being Ella and Sterling have learned they can carry their chair anywhere in the house and reach things that were previously far out of their reach. The most enticing of places they can now reach is the kitchen sink. If I turn my back for 2 seconds they’re splashing in the dishwater. So tonight they were more than happy to help Ian reach the sink so all three could splash in the water. These three little bits were soaked by the time their splashing was over. Ian ended up having to borrow one of Sterling’s shirts just to go home! Like I said, I think Ian will fit in great around here! The more the merrier!
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