This is one of my favorite sights…so precious!

I just loved this picture. Can you see Ella’s little finger pointing out something to Sterling?

This is so sad. The time has finally come for the S family to move back to the states. I can’t believe they’re leaving already! It seems like it was only last week that we were meeting them for the first time. We have been so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and neighbors, and will miss them dearly as they move on to the next adventure in their Army career. I’ve known they’d be moving for several months now, but not until this week when they moving boxes started showing up did it really become reality. We’re savoring these last few days with Evie, Sarah and Kevin and spending lots of time with them. By the time they fly out, I’m sure they’ll be sick of us! It’s sort of funny because we’re normally the ones moving away from our loved ones. Now the tables are turned, and this stinks!
This afternoon Sarah and I were making cookies at their house while the kids climbed all over the moving boxes. They found the moving boxes gave them just the boost they needed to get to the warm freshly baked cookies. No good can come from that.

If no one will give you a freshly baked cookie then you must just take matters into your own hands…and scale the counter top.

Why is it that even with 2 bathtubs, the tub you’re not in always holds the greatest allure? I guess bathing with your twin is still too irresistible. I’m sure I’ll miss these days when they both have cooties and don’t want to even so much as hug one and other.
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