March is rolling out like a lion. Funny, it came in like one too. More snow today. Around 8am this morning the snow began to fall in big fat flakes. I couldn’t believe it when a couple hours later it was still spitting snow! Michael had to go down to Waegan last night to sit on promotions board today. I kept calling him periodically to update him on the status of the weather here. He was only 2 hours south, but they had sunny skies and temperatures in the 60’s! Crazy, huh? Ella and Sterling had to watch the last snow of the season from the warmth of the indoors. Just last weekend I washed and packed up their snow suites and Michael put the sleds away when he hung the swing. Here’s a little video for Mom Gibson who I know will enjoy watching our (maybe?) last snow of the season. Wish you were here!
Looking out across our yard. Funny, Michael just started germinating some seeds for his garden 2 days ago when the weather began hinting at spring. Glad he didn’t put them in the ground yet!

Two inches in as many hours! This southern girl will never get over the thrill of snow!

I know it’s been FOREVER since I put up new video of the kids. I apologize, and sincerely hope to change that. I realized that no one has heard them talking yet. I think their little voices sound so precious! You have to listen closely, but I think you’ll understand what they’re saying! Enjoy this little video of Ella talking, and please excuse her pajamas. I recorded this clip this morning before she’d gotten dressed for the day.
And here’s a video of Ella, Sterling and Elmo talking. It’s a bit longer (6 min. I think), but Sterling is so cute interacting with Elmo at the end that I had to include it.

Enjoy this little video of Sterling talking. Sorry if you get a touch of seasickness from my crazy camera skills. Trying to keep him seated while I recorded was no small task!

Silly girl. She had to try on Daddy's beret when he came home from work tonight.
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