I ordered this tutu from a seller off of Etsy (imagine that!). Of course, I didn’t manage to get even one cute picture of Ella wearing it today, but oh well, I’m sure they’ll be more opportunities! I just love this little tutu. It’s darling with little flowers in the hem of the skirt! How fun! When I brought it out of the closet for Ella to wear this morning she immediately started saying “oh, wooooooow!” Clearly she likes. And of course, here's a link to the seller's Etsy store:

I don’t know why I love this picture. You can’t even see Ella’s face! But I think it’s cute just the same!

All dressed up like a princess…with a screwdriver in her hand. Daddy is proud!

Tonight we colored Easter eggs. Our little neighbors Heather and Luter joined us in the coloring festivities! We had a very Hannah Montana Easter and the older kids were thrilled! They’re both really into the American teeny bop show, and loved decorating their eggs with Hannah Montana’s image. My two little bits were well, not yet experts, but I think they had fun just the same dunking eggs into cups of dye.

Of course, no Easter would be complete without an Easter cake. This is one tradition Michael and I both had growing up…an Easter cake covered with coconut and jellybeans!

While I got the cups of dye ready and the cake cut I left Ella in the highchair with this little Easter match game. I didn’t really think much of it, and never imagined she’d be able to match the pieces up, but she did! I looked over and there she was happily matching the images with their mate! I was stunned! I’m sure this doesn’t make her a rocket scientist, but it did make me a very proud Mommy!

Can you see her matches?

Sterling’s no dummy. He says Ella can keep her stupid cardboard game; he’d rather have the chocolate cake anyway!

Please ignore the pajamas. I kind of messed up and did things backwards tonight. I should’ve probably waited until after we finished coloring eggs to give the kids their baths, but I wanted to make sure they got bathed before bedtime incase we were running late (which of course we were). This did mean that their fingers were a beautiful variety of colors for Easter morning, but at least they were clean!

Picking up eggs with little wire dippers can be tricky business that requires a lot of concentration!

Sterling dyes the golden egg…with his fingers!

Voila! The finished product!

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