Today Sarah volunteered to watch little Philomena while her parents went on the DMZ tour. We thought it would be fun for all the kids to spend the morning at the park followed by a picnic lunch. Sarah and I joked that we were hosting the American daycare when we arrived at the park with four tiny toddlers. Isn’t this little girl just stunning? I think Mena is simply beautiful. My kids have some pretty stiff competition around here to be the cutest baby on the block!

Enjoying a picnic lunch at the park.

I guess that’s one of the perks of living on a quiet country road in east of no where Korea…the kids can run down the middle of the road during our walk with no fear of being hit by a car. This evening the girls (myself, Sarah, Ella, Evie, and Mena) all took an evening stroll before dinner. Sterling was going to join us…until he saw Michael coming home. I can’t wait for spring to arrive. I anticipate lots of evening strolls in our future.
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