Today was our little friend Caravelle’s 3rd birthday pizza party. We were so honored to attend and celebrate with this special little guy. Ella and Sterling had lots of fun playing with all of Caravelle’s toys both old and new, eating cake and blowing bubbles. Michael and I both agreed when we got home that 3 year olds are a lot louder than 2 year olds. Sometimes we feel like our house is as noisy as a zoo with these two running around screaming and laughing. I think we didn’t realize until today how calm and peaceful our house really is still. I’m afraid of what this next year is going to bring!

Caravelle and Ella enjoying their pizza.

While all the adults were busy lighting candles Ella made it her duty to ensure even the littlest party animal in attendance was bedecked in proper party attire. I must confess, I love having a girly girl! I love having a girl who likes “pretties” and taking care of babies. I hope she stays like this a bit longer! And there’s the old Einstein exersaucer, servicing its 4th happy baby. That thing was worth its weight in gold, and has been great entertainment to Ella, Sterling, Evie, and now Cavonte. I just can’t believe he’s already sitting up in it! He’s barely 4 months old yet! How strong!

Poor Cavonte!

Having just celebrated her own birthday, Ella is a pro with the party blower!

Raindrops keep falling on my head.

Poor Sterling. Once he saw the Thomas the Train gift Caravelle received it was all he could think about. He kept carrying the box from person to person trying to find someone to open it for him. Eventually Caravelle did open his Thomas the Train toy, and to Sterling’s great dismay it was a Thomas the Train doctor’s kit (a little doctor’s bag, stethoscope, etc.). I think he really thought there were trains in that box. Poor thing. He missed out on eating ice cream cake for nothing!

What a lucky little boy Caravelle is to receive such an awesome gift from his grandma back in the states! A miniature motorized motorcycle! And what a nice little birthday boy to allow his buddy to take the first spin with him.

Sterling gives Caravelle’s new power motorcycle a whirl. He was so funny. He’d press his foot on the gas, ride a few feet, and then take his foot off the gas. Press the gas again, stop again. Stop-go, stop-go.
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