Surely it must be near! Tonight we had the first corn of the season. See, living so far away from the continental US, we don’t have the luxury of buying season produce year round. Yes, in the states you can find strawberries in December, but not here. Since almost all of our produce sold at the commissary comes from the states, there’s simply no way to ship hothouse grown produce here in a way to have it arrive on our shelves nice and fresh. So, we’re at the mercy of the seasons. We got our first ears of corn at the commissary last weekend. I can’t believe I bought it…$6 for 4 ears! Eeek! Nonetheless, it was delicious and we enjoyed it almost as much as we enjoyed planning out this year’s garden. I can’t wait for Michael to start growing his corn again! No more of this $1.50 an ear business! And here’s a little funny about this picture...notice that Ella is using her fork to eat her corn on the cob. A year ago we were just learning to use utensils. This year she uses them to eat EVERYTHING! She’s a very prim and proper little eater. She even periodically stops in the middle of a meal and uses her bib to wipe her face. Sterling on the other…well he’s a little messier. Just a bird of a different feather!

Sterling held onto this balloon all through dinner tonight. Guess he knows that if you find a friend in this world you should hold on tight to them…you never know when they might drift away.
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