Sorry for the lack of posts or pictures, but well, we’ve been kind of boring people lately. We’re back to cooler temperatures and rainy days. Actually, it’s gotten to the point where Ella calls rain “snow”. Anything wet and cold falling from the sky is “snow”. It’s not that she can’t say rain, I correct her and tell her it’s rain, and she’ll repeat rain, then the very next day we’re back to calling rain snow again. Anyhow, due to all our not so lovely spring weather, we just haven’t gotten out much lately. We did make a trip to visit the pets for sale at E-Mart today. Who knew that we could spend almost an hour just pointing out the critters and saying hi to each. individual. fish?

We’ve been really into bunnies since Easter. I’m not sure if they’re hopping this furry little guys will bring them candy or what, but every furry critter we see that isn’t a dog or a cat they start signing “rabbit” and saying “bunny".

We even saw some itty-bitty turtles! And we still managed to get out of there without taking any home with us! Hooray! I just managed to kill off the last of the hermit crabs…we are NOT in the market for any more pets!

After visiting with the bunnies, mice, fish and turtles we had an all American favorite for lunch…McDonalds. I now have pictures of my kids eating McDonalds in both China and Korea, but the funny thing is, I don’t think they’ve ever enjoyed a Happy Meal on US soil. How crazy! Speaking of all American, did you know that April is the month of the military child? It’s true! Enacted in 1986, April is officially a month to honor all these military children and the roll they play in serving our country. So, to all the other military brats out there (and we use that term lovingly) who have bounced around from base to base changing homes, schools, and friends, and to all the little ones holding down the home front while mom or dad and sometimes even both parents are at war, we honor you and the very special role you play in helping to make American the home of the brave. You little souls may be some of it’s bravest. And in honor of our two little military brats, here’s a clip of Daddy teaching them to march up to be. 1…2…3…4….
I feel like I need to put a little disclaimer out there after watching that video. I swear my house isn't always such a mess. Clearly this was shot at the end of a long day!

We determined that we love the chocolate milk at McDonalds more than anything else on the menu. For those that don’t read Hangul, the milk carton says “Hershey’s Chocolate Drink”. And no, I’m not pulling your leg. Really!

Ugh! I think I’ll be laving Korea 10 lbs. heavy than I arrived. This weekend I left Michael and the kids home while I went to Seoul for a day of pampering, and you guessed it, Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The funny thing is, I can’t tell you the last time I ate a Krispy Kreme doughnut in the states. They’re sweet they make my teeth hurt, and well, that’s not enjoyable! But for some reason, I can’t stop frequenting Krispy Kreme every time we’re in Seoul. It’s pitiful! Michael is begging me to stop bringing home a delicious dozen, but I can’t help myself!

Did you know that 8 seconds is the perfect cooking time in the microwave to reheat those delicious devils? Ahhh yes, 8 seconds to sugary bliss! Do they mention this little trick on the box in the states?
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