This afternoon we went to Acqui Terme, the gelato and waffle shoppe where Sarah and I took the kids a few weeks ago. Michael hadn’t been there before, but after we finished one waffle, he was ready to order another one!

Sterling and Daddy enjoy a gelato topped waffle. Yum!

There’s no need in coaxing Sterling to eat at this restaurant!

This picture makes my heart swell a little. Michael and Sterling had stepped out of the restaurant a few minutes before Ella and I. When Ella and I walked out of the restaurant, Sterling started running towards Ella and Ella started running towards Sterling, both babies smiling and laughing the whole way to each other’s arms. So sweet!

Walking down the streets of Wonju with Daddy. You have to take some big steps to keep up with your hero!

This is my view looking down…a more beautiful view doesn’t exist!

Look who we saw on the street today! Not quite Mickey Mouse, but a giant mouse character nonetheless! The kids were very interested in Mr. Mouse and loved waving to him and blowing kisses, but no way were they willing to actually go up and shake his hand! I hope we have better luck with the Easter bunny!

The following pictures are for my friend Kristen who wanted to see where we live. I took these pictures today while we were walking around downtown Wonju. This is one of the main retail shopping streets. There is a Levi’s, Lacrosse, and lots of other Korean name brand retail stores along this street.

This is one of the markets. Unlike the 5-day market, this market is open everyday until late in the evening. It runs through covered alleyways, twisting and turning, and you’re never exactly sure which way is out. It always makes me think I’m in an underground tunnel. There’s no “main entrance” or anything like that, and it appears rather ominous from the outside looking in, but it’s filled mostly with friendly vendors and lots of different smells wafting from the hot food sold around every turn.

This is another staple to the market system of Korea. You can count on the little old ajeemahs to always have a variety of fresh seasonal vegetables, roots, herbs, and fish for sale on the streets.

It’s never hard for me to keep track of Michael and Sterling. I just look for the tallest head on the street!

Taking in the view from high atop Daddy’s shoulders is one of Sterling’s favorite places to be. I always marvel at how big the kids are getting, then I see a picture like this and I have to stop and marvel at how tiny they really still are. His torso is not much bigger than Michael’s head!
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