Look who’s sleeping with a pillow these days. A few days ago Ella threw the pillow from the glider into her crib. I just left it there thinking perhaps she really did want it. She’s been sleeping very happily with it for several days since! Speaking of sleeping arrangements, I think we are FINALLY free of the pacifier. It took a little longer than I had anticipated and was a grueling process, but I am so grateful it’s done with, and quite pleased with the results. It wasn’t necessarily that they missed it during the day, but it interrupted our peaceful going to sleep routine. They clearly used the pacifier to soother themselves to sleep far more than I realized. And anything that disrupts sleep around our house is no good. They didn’t both cry for one every time they went to bed, but rather one or the other would cry every time. It was one of those times when I really saw the downside of having twins. Top it off with feeling under the weather with a chest cold and a very sore voice, and I was dying for sleep. On day 7 of giving up the paci I was at my wits end. Surely they would be over it in 3 days I had foolishly thought. Nope. I decided to try something I had previously been opposed to. Cutting the nipple off the paci. I know lots of moms who swear by this method, but was super hesitant to try it. I know you’re not supposed to cut the nipple on the paci because it can become a choking hazard. Obviously it’s probably not a great idea…even the pacifier packaging says “inspect nipple before each use for signs of wear to prevent choking hazard”. Okay, gotcha. Not an ideal solution. But on day 7, I caved and gave Ella the pacifier…minus the nipple. At first she was full of glee. Pa pa had returned! Then she became confused. Try as she might, she couldn’t get the pacifier in her mouth…there was nothing to suck on! There goes the choking hazard right there! She played with it for a while, wore it on her finger like a ring, she would bring it to me again and again asking “what’s wrong?”, then eventually she gave up. She walked to the trashcan said “all done” and dropped pa pa in the trash. That was that. I still retrieved the pa pa from the trash behind her incase we needed it for bedtime that evening. When I laid her down that night she asked for pa pa, so I handed her the nippleless paci. She smiled stuck it on her finger, and blissfully fell asleep…sleeping until 9am the following morning! Sweet success! In the days following she’s slept with the broken pa pa on her finger, until yesterday, when before I walked out of their room for the evening, she handed me the broken pa pa and said “all done, bye bye”. So that’s it. Pa pa is all done. It’s bye bye. Sterling never needed the nippleless pa pa. Since Ella has started sleeping, and not crying before going to sleep, he’s been fine. I think it was actually her crying for the pa pa that was perpetuating his longing for it. So, I hate to jinx myself, but we’ve had 3 days in a row now of our normal, no tears sleep routine. As I type this the kids have been asleep for 3 hours for their afternoon nap, and slept for 12 hours last night (13 hours for Ella)…both occurring with no major crying. Thank God for the end of that battle.

Mom just sent me this picture and I had to share. I think there is very little question about whom this little boy favors. He’s a Boydston boy through and through. That would be my Dad on the left and my Uncle Billy on the right juxtaposed with Sterling’s picture from last September. We’ve always said he looks so much like my Dad, but we’ve never considered the possibility that actually he looks A LOT like his Great Uncle Billy. And clearly my Grandmother (who I sadly never had the opportunity to meet) and my mother-in-law have very similar tastes in clothes (Grandmother Janice is responsible for buying Sterling that adorable little coat). You know, when I was pregnant, Grammy was pushing for Sterling’s name to be “Boydston”. Having grown up with the last name Boydston, I just couldn’t wrap my brain around it. Maybe she was on to something…he certainly would’ve suited the name.
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