Today we had a good old fashioned lazy, do nothing Sunday. You know the kind. We had a big breakfast (thanks honey!), stayed in our pajamas until lunchtime and in general enjoyed doing not a darn thing. I know that’s a real disappointment for a blog. Yes, we like to spend a lot of time touring around Korea or taking little trips around Asia, but sometimes we like to be just a regular old boring family (okay, can’t help it if we’re still in Korea). So this lazy Sunday we made our way over to the park with the kids so they could put some miles on their new tricycles from Grand-Mère. I swore I wouldn’t return to the park until the kids had tricycles to ride. For some reason everyone brings their kid’s tricycle, bike, or scooter to the park. I guess it’s because most people who visit this park live in the apartments within a few blocks and walk there. Do people bring their kid’s toys to the parks in the states? It drives me nuts because in my opinion the park is the activity. There’s not need to bring along toys! Of course Ella and Sterling do not agree, and lately I’ve spent our entire time at the park pulling Ella and Sterling off other children’s toys. Last week someone even brought a baby doll to the park! Please! Do you even know how hard it was to convince Ella to put down the unwatched baby doll? So today we returned to the park armed with our own bikes. Humph! They understand the general idea for propelling the bike forward and have their feet on the petals, but the power just isn’t behind their rotations to get moving. For the most part Michael and I just push them from behind, but they still enjoy it!

Sterling is definitely more interested in riding his tricycle than Ella is. He loves it! I don’t think it will be too much longer until he figures out how to push the petals himself. In the mean time, if he wants to go somewhere, he just pushes his feet along the ground. Hey, it works! That could be why he likes it better than Ella. She’s just a hair shorter than him, but there’s just enough of a difference that she can’t touch the ground to push herself along.

Hum, something seems amiss here, don’t you think? Seems like the easy way to ride a tricycle if you ask me.

This might sound crazy, but sometimes I forget they’re twins. It never occurs to me. Then I’ll see them doing something side by side and I’ll think, “oh, how cute, look at those twins!” Hello! Those are my twins! Who’da ever thunk it?

Silly, Sterling!

Trying to walk up the slide…it’s horrible how quickly they try to mimic the big kid’s play.

Stopping to offer a kiss to Mommy. Who could resist that?

Such a tiny boy on such a big slide! They love it, but it still makes my heart stop every time I see them so far above my head.

On our way home from the park we stopped at Baskin Robins for an ice cream treat. The perfect ending to perfectly lazy day!

Talk about two peas in a pod. We originally ordered each baby their own single small scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cup. As you can see Ella loved hers. Sterling liked his…until he saw the waffle cones. Michael ended up buying an empty come for Sterling to eat. Note to self: in the future just order a vanilla cone and split it…Ella can have the ice cream, Sterling can have the cone…can’t get a more perfect compromise than that!
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