Today we took the kids to the zoo at Seoul Grand Park. I think they had a great time. I know Michael and I certainly did! We got to see all sorts of animals…elephants, gazelles, giraffes, zebras, you name it! I think both babies were amazed to see animals up close. I have a feeling they never realized exactly how big those elephants in their books really are until today!

There was a ski lift in the park to carry visitors from one exhibit to the next. I didn’t realize this was called the “elephant train” until later in the evening when I was telling Luter about our trip to the zoo and he asked if we rode the elephant train on our visit. Cute name for a ski lift, isn’t it? Although, I think I would’ve rather ridden a real elephant. As it was, I spent the entire time clutching Sterling close to my body willing him not to wiggle or move an inch for fear of him falling of the ski lift.

Checking out the elephants from high atop Daddy’s shoulders.

On the drive home Michael and I were talking about the differences between American and Korean zoos. Let us just say that the animals in American zoos are living the high life compared to the pitiful creatures here in Korea. The habitats the animals are in here are just cramped and don’t really appear all that well kept up. So, we were really surprised to see these beasts. Seriously, the elephants are well fed!

Mommy at the zoo, trying to wrangle in her baby monkeys for a quick picture.

I was trying to get a picture of the kids with an elephant in the background. Clearly Sterling doesn’t totally trust the big fella, and refused to take his eyes off of him.

Mary Poppins takes the children to the zoo! “Just a spoon full of sugar…..” Not a rain cloud in the sky. Michael has just become a good little Korean with his sun umbrella.

I think these two are ready for safari, don’t you?

We even saw a family meerkats! They’re just as cute in real life as they are on TV! But their teeth and claws look decidedly sharper up close.

Hum…hard to tell who’s in the cage here, huh?

Ella loved the giraffes. One mama giraffe had a baby. Anyone know what a baby giraffe is called? Well, if you ask Ella, she’ll tell you…a “baby raft”. The rest of the afternoon she couldn’t stop talking about the “baby raft” she saw.

Who knew you could train giraffes? We certainly didn’t! Michael and I were in awe of how well trained the giraffes were. As soon as their trainer turned the microphone on they immediately began herding around him. Amazing!

Talk about a captivated audience!

I just love the look of curiosity on her face. Nothing gets by this girl.

Curious and curiouser. Can you name it?
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