Off on another adventure…because it rained all weekend and Mommy goes a little stir crazy if she has to stay in the house for too long.

If there is one thing Ella has learned in her short two years of life it’s to always keep your loved ones near. No adventure would be complete without Teddy tagging along.
Today the kids and I went back to the ceramics festival in Yeoju. Yes, I know that makes 3 trips, but I really love this festival and it’s free to the public, so why not? Plus Michael is in the field for a couple days, so we need some fun distractions. Of course, as “free” as it is, I keep coming away from their with lighter pockets. I can’t stop finding beautiful pieces that must come home with me!

There was no shortage of entertainment at the festival today. Acrobats and fan dancers just to name a few. The kids and I enjoyed sitting for a while and watching the performers.

Contain your enthusiasm. I think the kids enjoyed the festivities…maybe?

See Sterling, this is how you ride a clay donkey.

Find your own donkey to ride!

Guess I’ll have to settle for a really big fish. Anyone have a frying pan large enough for this fillet?

Encore! Talk about a little audience…only short in height, not in enthusiasm.

I’m so happy! We haven’t attempted to visit the ceramics museum before today. It’s an art museum. Not a children’s museum. Lots of breakables and “No Touching” signs. NOTHING kid friendly. Up until today I’ve passed on this stressful opportunity. Seeing as we had time to kill and my nerves were in good shape, I decided to attempt the museum. I figured the kids were safely contained in their stroller, and if we went into melt down mode we’d just make a quick exit, no harm, no foul. To my great surprise, they did beautifully! We strolled through the museum checking out the different and horribly interesting pieces on display. I so wish I could’ve taken picture of some of the works. They were fabulous! Outstanding! So avant-garde! We even had a personal interpreter join us in our tour of the museum. My pre-baby self would be greatly relieved to see me touring art museums, babies in tow.

After a day at the festival we stopped for a great American pastime…outlet shopping! I’ve seen the Yeoju outlets from the expressway before, but have never stopped before today. I was blown-a-way! It was just like an American outlet mall! And oh the shops! My mother-in-law would be in heaven in these shops! Names like Armani, Burberry, Escada, Gucci, Marc Jacobs, Missoni, Ferragamo, and Valentino! Needless to say I wasn’t in the market to do much shopping. Clearly Korea has horrid trade laws, the prices at these “outlets” were comparable to full price department store prices in the US. Still, it was nice to stroll through the outlets, window shopping.

Checking out the bubbler. A little Boston lingo.
***Edited: I've been informed that a "bubbler" in MA is actually a drinking fountain. Oh well, this GA peach thinks the word "bubbler" should be all inclusive of any sort of fountain. A nondiscriminatory word. Because really, who ever heard of a drinking fountain being called a "bubblah" anyway? Love to my one and only Mass-hole reader…

Watch out!!! You just never know when one of the jets will erupt in a spray of water!

The first time Ella got spayed in the face by an unexpected jet of water she immediately came running back to me. She eventually gathered up her courage and went back to splashing in the water, but I thought she was so sweet snuggling up to me for protection.

Even after getting sprayed in the face Ella still thought the fountain was quite fun!

Soaking wet, dripping, and having a marvelous time playing in the fountain.

Rounding out a lovely day together, we stopped by Starbucks for a coffee for Mommy and muffins for babies. This has been a truly wonderful day with my 2 favorite people in the world!
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