What lucky kids! Back to the beach we go. Mom's new little island retreat is only a very short drive to the beach. So, today we went back to the very same beach we were at a little over a week ago! Ella and Sterling got right back to the business of building sand castles and digging to Korea.

Sterling was much more interested in throwing the sand than he was in building with it. He just sat there scooping up fistfuls of sand and throwing it. As long as you steered clear of him, it was very ammusing to watch.

Of course, eventually your arms get tired from throwing all that sand, and your aim gets crumby, and next thing you know you're covered in sand! As was the case with this little sand monster.

Ella was very interested in digging for sea shells. And appearently she's quite good at it. We didn't realize until it was time to go and we went to dump her bucket out that she had managed to pick up a live star fish.. ick! Kisses, anyone?
(You'll notice that crazy boy in the background throwing sand...I don't know who he is...never seen him before...isn't mine!)

This is probably the best part about being near the sea shore...the ability to wonder freely for the kids. They're so often contained in their stroller when we're out in public, that it's nice for them to have the oppurtunity to run wild. And Sterling did just that. He loved running up and down the beach. Of course I followed him, and when he got too far down the beach, I'd turn him around and send him back in the direction he came from. You'd be surprised exactly how far he'd run without ever getting tired.

Ella and Sterling...attempting unsuccessfully to share a beach chair.

I won! I've got the whole chair to myself!

All dried off and bundled up after a long fun day at the beach. I know who is going to sleep well tonight!

Ella looks like an 80's rock diva with her pink sun glasses on. Off to dinner and bed for this little diva!

Our favorite time of the day just got a little more exciting. I found the greatest bath toy in the whole wide world for the kids...bath crayons! Crayola now makes these bath buddies that hold a soap crayon. Can I tell you how much the kids loved coloring all over the bath tub, themselves and each other?!
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