A long standing tradition in the military is to have the “higher ups” serve the soldiers during the holiday meals. Today Michael joined other NCO’s all dressed in their finest dress blues to begin serving the troops. What a handsome wait staff!

Michael happily serves a KN. In the spirit of friendship, the Korean workers were all invited to join in this American celebration.

The troops, separated from their loved ones this holiday season, all line up to be served a plate on Thanksgiving. This year lets all remember these soldiers and be thankful for their faithful service to our country and the freedoms they protect.

After 3 Thanksgiving dinners, I think Michael was getting a little tired of turkey. Regardless, he still managed to deep fry another delicious bird for our dinner with our neighbors the Steele's and the Cox's.

I'm so excited we got to use my china and crystal tonight! I can't believe we actually brought china and crystal to Korea. Who does that? I did it! And tonight I'm really happy I did. Our dinner was a little more festive with the addition of my pretty wedding china!

It should absolutely be illegal for anybody to look this cute while cooking Thanksgiving dinner...5 months pregnant! Sarah and Kevin were nice enough to open their home to us as well as our neighbors Nan and Trey for this holiday dinner. I have to say that this was one of the best Thanksgivings ever! Of course each of us missed our family and friends back in the states, but there was something wonderfully cozy about being a group of Americans coming together in a country half way around the world to celebrate and give thanks. This year we are so thankful to have such wonderful friends in our neighbors, and give thanks for our time together. Each family contributed something to the meal. Michael cooked the turkey, I made dressing, cranberry sauce and a jello mold, Trey made green bean casserole and a pecan pie, and Sarah cleaned for 3 days and still managed to made 5 different pies, mashed potatoes and gravy, and bread! Truly, a delicious feast!

Only my little brother could appreciate such a beautiful jell-o mold! I know I'm nutty for taking a picture of congealed salad, but you must understand that in my family the jell-o mold competed with the turkey for importance on the holiday table. We love the jell-o mold! Strawberry jell-o with cool whip folded in along with strawberries and mandarin oranges...yummy (not to mention occasionally a little tricky to actually "mold")! You can't get any sweeter and trust me, there were never any left overs of jell-o mold the next day! So Billy, this jell-o mold is for you... I ate the last bite thinking of you!

Ella, Evie, and Sterling all wish you a "Happy Thanksgiving"!

Twins! Errr...does that make triplets? Well, whatever they are, these 2 little girls sure are cuties! Ella and Eve both rocked matching jumpers for Thanksgiving.

These 3 little friends kept each other entertained while the adults worked to prepare the meal. I love the girls in their matching dresses. It's so much fun to see what the same outfit looks like on total opposites. Ella with her ultra blonde hair and blue eyes and Evie with her brown hair and brown eyes...and they both look just adorable!

Have you ever seen anything cuter than a little fella in a newsboy cap? Looking sharp little man, looking sharp.

This little turkey was trying to sneak a roll off the counter. That's their new trick...both Ella and Sterling are now tall enough to reach things left close to the edge of the counter. Yikes!

What a special and memorable Thanksgiving we've had this year!

3 little friends enjoying a delicious meal together.

It's hard to believe that last year Sterling had nothing but a jar of sweet potato baby food! This year he ate all his turkey, dressing and green beans, plus a scoop of jell-o! I can't even imagine what he'll be like next Thanksgiving!

At one point after everyone had finished eating I thought Ella was finished as well, so I began to take her plate away. She let me know very clearly and in no uncertain terms that she had not in fact finished with her meal. Recently she has started picking up her plate and handing it to you saying "all done" when she feels she has eaten all she cares for. She will not let you take her plate until she is ready! The flip side to that is she also won't keep a plate or even take one bite more when she feels she is "all done". Such a smart and determined little girl!

These babies were all so good! After the meal the adults were all able to enjoy a nice conversation over pie while the little ones ran around and played a bit longer. They all made it 'till the oh so late hour of 7pm without much fuss...the witching hour for babies who normally go "night-night" sometime between 7 and 7:30pm.

Always sure to be the life of the party, Sterling is always the loudest and most animated in any crowd. He's really become a "talker" lately and will run into a room, spouting off a bunch a baby babble at you, shaking his fists and nodding his head, then he'll run back out just as quickly as he appeared. Michael and I just laugh and ask each other what it is that he could possibly feel so passionate about. Mark my word, this little boy will grow up to be a great orator!

Nothing makes this Daddy happier than to be covered in babies.

I hope this little girl will always be able to turn to her Daddy when she's scared the way she is able to today. The bond between a father and daughter is precious, isn't it?

This is a picture of what I am thankful for this year. My husband, an incredible and caring man who has proudly served his country for the past 17 years, and who is now the best father I could ever hope for my children to have. The most beautiful, wonderful, and precious 2 toddlers I've ever met. I can't imagine my life without them in it. My world revolves around their smiles, watching them grow, and looking forward to the people they'll one day be. I can't begin to count the blessings I have to be thankful for in my life today, but these are the 3 biggest blessing of all. I can truly say that today my life is perfect and complete.
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