Ella happily points out her favorite Christmas ornament….
I love this one the best. No that one! On second thought, maybe this one… I think they’ll both be a little sad when this novel tree (ha, ha “novelty”) is gone from the living room. I know I will be!

I told you the Grinch took a little warming up to this year, but now he is a beloved friend.

Ella enjoys a ride on the pony (as long as he doesn’t start singing or talking…that still unnerves her a bit).

We spent New Year’s Eve this year at our friends Sarah and Kevin’s home. We had some tasty hors devours early in the evening, then sat back and watched the kids run amuck. We were willing to push the kids a little later this evening, but all 3 babies were falling asleep on our shoulders by 8 o’clock. I’m sure in years to come they’ll be begging to stay up to watch the ball drop, but this was not their year. Although, all 3 were very happy little ones in good spirits right till the end.

Settling in with a good book and a good friend. Ella and Eve take a break from playing with all of Eve’s exciting new Christmas toys to read a little story or two to each other. I’m horribly embarrassed to say that at times Ella hasn’t been the sweetest thing ever to Eve, so it warms my heart to see her getting along so grandly with her little friend.

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