Sterling practices unwrapping gifts in anticipation of the big day to come. We received a wonderful package full of gifts from a friend back in the states! Thank you again to Jillian and Declan! We love, love, love everything!

It’s that silly Curious George! Sterling was smitten with reading about that crazy little monkey!

Another sweet friend sent Ella a box full of very girly surprises, including pom poms! What little girl doesn’t love pom poms? Ella certainly enjoyed practicing for her cheerleading squad tryouts!

Tonight was our friend and neighbor Luter’s 13th birthday. He invited us to his home to celebrate his special day with lots of delicious Korean food, and a beautiful cake. I imagine his mother spent the entire day cooking, as there was LOTS of food to choose from.

Luter blows out the candles on his cake. What a very cordial way of blowing out your candles, huh?
And no, I’m not spelling his name incorrectly. Luter chooses to spell his name Luter, versus Luther. The Korean language doesn’t have a “th” sound in it, so I suppose it only makes sense that his name be Luter, not Luther.

Little sister Heather provided the accompaniment for the birthday song. She is an excellent and very talented and dedicated pianist.

Ella and Sterling enjoy wearing party hats and dancing to the piano music.

“I’ve got my party hat on, now point me towards the party!”

This is the silliest, craziest little boy I’ve ever met! After Heather was finished entertaining us on the piano, Sterling walked up to it, surveyed it with great anticipation, checked to see if we were all watching him, then very deliberately played one key, and proceeded to crack himself up. He did this several times. He didn’t just pound away on the keys. No, one note was all it took to send this boy into fits of laughter. Who’da thought a piano could provide such entertainment for one so young?

Ella tries to decide which balloon she should chase first. Hum, decisions, decisions.

This happy little boy had a fantastic time at the birthday party. He LOVED playing in all the balloons!
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