Tonight the kids and I met Mrs. Yu at Nantiy Town for a duck dinner. I’ve actually been to this restaurant one time before with Mrs. Yu, but that was almost a year ago. Well, a year ago, the kids were really good about understanding the Korean dining style of sitting on the floor to eat. No more. I guess since they haven’t gone to the nanny’s house to eat in months, and we eat all our meals at the kitchen table, they’ve forgotten how to sit nicely on the floor and eat their dinner. This is one of the few pictures of them at the restaurant. The rest of the time we spent running in circles. They would run from table to table while waving hello while I tried fruitlessly to corral them. It was awful. Of course, it’s even more embarrassing when there was a 20 month old at the table next to us sitting very nicely in his mother’s lap helping to cook the meal. Needless to say, we had to excuse ourselves early. I don’t think we’ll be dining in any restaurants without chairs again any time soon.

Don’t let this picture fool you. Ella didn’t last long at the table.

This was our meal. Too bad I didn’t get to enjoy it. Slices of garlic seasoned duck are brought to the table to be cooked. It’s most delicious! (WARNING: Sarah, Adrienne and anybody else reading this who is pregnant or otherwise grossed out by stories of raw meat- stop reading here. Go to the next post.) Since I had to evacuate with the kids, Mrs. Yu asked the server to bring me a too go bag. Mind you, Korean doesn’t really “do” to go. I’m not totally sure I’ve seen a Styrofoam box since we’ve been here. So, they brought out some tin foil and a plastic bag. Yes, they sent me home with some stinky raw duck. I did actually cook it once I got home, but truly, it just wasn’t as good as it was at the restaurant.

I guess I shouldn’t have been too disappointed in missing dinner. Tonight when Luter came over for tutoring, he brought a treat his mother had made…rice cake pizza. It’s little rice cakes on a skewer topped with tomato sauce, cheese and peppers. It actually was pretty good if you’re used to eating the ultra chewy rice cakes, but thinking about it now kinda makes my stomach turn.
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