Today was a girl’s day out. Ella and I joined Sarah and Evie for an E-Mart shopping trip. We arrived early and scored a couple of the awesome car shopping carts, so both girls were very pleased to “drive” around E-Mart as their Mommies browsed at all the um, various and unique items to be found at an E-Mart. I’m always amazed after these shopping trips at the number of things I “have to have, just can’t live without” that I never knew I needed before! It’s just that kind of a store! And did I mention how fabulous and easy shopping is with only one kid? It’s seldom that I experience only having one child, but I can say with absolute certainty that shopping with only one child is a breeze! Love it! (Sterling stayed home with Daddy today.)
Okay, I have to explain the above picture. You see, for most of Ella’s life, her age has perfectly equated to her size clothes. After she grew out of the preemie stuff (between 4-6 weeks old), she’s fit beautifully into exactly what size clothes are recommended for her age (i.e. at 6 months she wore 6 mo. clothes). It’s made buying ahead very convenient. I’ve really gotten lucky in that. That is until now. This may be the turning point for Ella. I’ve been waiting for her to grow into her 18-24 months size clothes, and apparently we’re still waiting. She’s 22 months now, and still can’t keep her 18-24 mo. pants up. Sarah and I were casually strolling down the aisles, enjoying our conversation while the girls happily “drove” their cars. Sarah started cracking up and said I might want to take a look at my daughter. In all her happy wiggling in the cart, she’d managed to shimmy her pants down to her ankles. I about died laughing, but not before snapping this picture! The comedy was further compounded by an event that had happened earlier that morning. Before we had left, Michael had scolded Ella for something or another (what the reason was I can’t remember now…it was trivial). He hadn’t done anything except for tell her “no” in a very disapproving voice, but she had sulked off to the other side of the room. She stood there glaring back at Michael. We both found it so funny. When you discipline Sterling he acts like “no big deal” and moves along his merry way. Ella on the other hand is just devastated if you ever have to yell at her. Don’t even think about trying to give her the lightest of little spankings, she’ll act like you’ve beaten her to a bloody pulp. So, there she stood, glaring at Michael like he had crushed her spirit. He commented that she was looking at him like “I’m going to grow up to be a junkie because you have ruined my psyche”. So, when I caught her with her pants down in the middle of a store, it was just the icing on the cake!
Ella had a great time visiting with her fishy friends at E-Mart. She had loads of fun pointing out each one and saying “pish?” Everything she says sounds like a question these days. She’s really had a language explosion lately and has picked up probably close to one hundred words in the past week alone, but each one still sounds like a question. She sort of raises the pitch of her voice at the end of each word.

Ella had a great time visiting with her fishy friends at E-Mart. She had loads of fun pointing out each one and saying “pish?” Everything she says sounds like a question these days. She’s really had a language explosion lately and has picked up probably close to one hundred words in the past week alone, but each one still sounds like a question. She sort of raises the pitch of her voice at the end of each word.

"There’s Nemo! I found him, I found him!”

A first Happy Meal. Probably not one for the baby book, but an exciting one for this American toddler. The only McDonalds in town is found in the basement of E-Mart. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but there simply aren’t any fast food restaurants in Korea. So, going to McDonalds (or any fast food chain for that matter) simply isn’t an everyday option. So, after shopping this morning, we treated the girls to their very first Happy Meals. What would childhood be with out French fries and Happy Meal toys? It would be a very safe conclusion to draw that these two little ones really enjoyed this “first”. No need to worry, Sterling got his first Happy Meal brought home to him (and Daddy got a Big Mac!). Look at all that food in the foreground. Good grief! The Mommies look like McDonald’s piggies!

Have I mentioned how impressed I am with the McDonalds Happy Meal of today? Gone are the greasy (but delicious) fries and soda! Okay, well, not so much gone. They’re still available for those who want them, but they have all these awesome new “healthier” choices. I mean, really, how healthy is it? You are still consuming a McDonalds hamburger after all, but now you can get a fruit cup as a side and milk to drink. Ella tried chocolate milk for the first time today (another “first”!) and boy oh boy did she think that was good stuff!

Look at how these two rode home from the store. They rode the entire way holding hands. I think Evie was just excited to have someone in the back seat with her. Her baby brother (due this spring) will have a great playmate and friend when he’s big enough!
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