Grand-Mère was so excited to have the babies come visit her new little island home. She made sure there would be no lack of entertainment (as if living at the beach weren't entertainment enough). Ella and Sterling had so much fun playing on the little play set complete with a swing in her yard.

The fun times just keep rolling at Grand-Mère's house...bubbles!

Sterling tried very hard to catch a falling bubble. Sadly, they all seemed to pop as soon as he'd touch it.

Ella stops to munch a cookie while getting ready for the beach. Look at the little tummy! Doesn't it just make you want to smother her in kisses?

Sterling practices sucking in his belly to impress the ladies.

Remember the zebra bounce and spin toy we gave our little friend Evie for her birthday back in July? The one Michael seriously wanted to keep for our own kids, but I wouldn't let him? Well guess what I found at a consignment sale in Atlanta? That's right, our very own zebra. I know the kids were excited, but I have a feeling Daddy will be even more excited when this zebra ships back to Korea.

I'm so glad we've gotten to spend so much time frolicking by the sea shore during our trip home, but I'm so sad that today is our last trip to the beach. The kids really have just loved playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean. Sigh. Well, I guess we have something to look forward to next summer.

Ella was very excited to search for shells in a little tidal pool during low tide. We really had to watch her carefully...she didn't think a thing about picking up shells that happened to have little legs hanging out!
There's Sterling in the background covered in sand again. Such a boy.

Ella rushes into the incoming tide. She absolutely loves the beach and the water. We spent 4 hours at the beach today without a single whine from either baby!

Sterling was happy to follow Grand-Mère into the waves...all the way up to his waist! No standing on the shoreline for this boy. He loved when I would hold him so he could float on the water. Next year we'll teach him the back stroke!

I think it's so wonderful that the kids have each other. I'll be the first to admit, having 2 newborns was hard work. But as they get older it really has become a blessing that they have each other. Not only do they play really well with each other, and provide a constant companion (okay, that's not always so good at night time), but also they gain confidence from each other. If one baby is a little apprehensive about a situation, they only have to look at the other to decide if they can do it or not. Of course, on occasion this does mean having 2 sobbing and hysterical babies at once, but more often than not, they really encourage each other. This picture is such a great example of that. If one thinks it's great fun to run out into the ocean and splash water in their face like a mad man, the other is sure they'll enjoy it too. It really makes for a very entertaining life!

Ella has started swimming. No kidding! Today at the beach, she got down on her hands and knees, then she let the water float her legs up. She still had her hands on the ground, but her body was floating. Then you’d say, “kick, kick, kick Ella” and there she’d go, kicking up a storm. She even put her face down in the water occasionally! Like I said, her hands never left the ground, but I definitely see the early makings of a swimmer. 2024 Summer Olympics, here we come!

Look at those little legs go!
He may not have the whole kicking thing down just yet, but he certainly enjoys blowing bubbles in the water! He loves to blow bubbles in his bath water, but a lot of that water gets sucked up in the process. The ocean adds a very different element to that...salt! I can't imagine how much salt this boy sucked up today. He downed two cups water/juice after playing in the salt water.

Awww, how sweet!
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