We had our first snow of the season today. The kids and I were in the states last December, but Michael swears Wonju received lots of snow last year. I’m not convinced. While it was a very pretty picture to wake up to the white landscape this morning, it wasn’t exactly blizzard conditions. You’ll notice we have put up Christmas decorations. Christmas wouldn’t be complete without Michael decorating the yard…even in Korea!

We had a bit of a playgroup by accident this morning. Our friend Belle, and her Mommy, Amber, came over to play with Ella and Sterling this morning. They will be returning to the states for good this weekend, so we wanted one last opportunity to play with sweet little Belle before they headed out. Evie and her Mommy also came over to join in the playtime. Here Ella, Belle, and Evie all enjoy a spot of tea. I think all the babies had a great time, and went down very easily for their afternoon naps. We’ll certainly miss Belle and her family as they move on to Colorado.

It’s too hard to keep the correct sippy in each babies’ hand. All three of these kiddos spent the morning sharing cups. The funny thing is, I think they all had the same thing (water) in each cup, but you know how it is; the grass is always greener on the other side!

Can you find Ella is this picture? Oh, there she is! Sitting under the table with all the toys!

Belle has found the new and exciting toy in the house. Michael wanted to get the kids the Elmo live doll for Christmas, but being not so very good at waiting for surprises, he gave it to them last night. He’s a very funny little Elmo, saying things like “Elmo loves you thisssssss much!” He was an instant hit with all the kids this morning.

Evie meets and instantly falls in love with Elmo.

Looking more, and more grown up everyday.

We put up our tree and trimmed it this evening after the kids had gone to bed. I can’t wait for next year when perhaps they’ll be able to help us decorate! Since we will be having a “no touching” rule, we figured it would be a little confusing to let Ella and Sterling attempt to decorate, then tell them they weren’t allowed to touch the ornaments in the next breath. We could only bring a few boxes worth of our Christmas decorations with us to Korea, so the trimming is a little light this year, but nonetheless, it was still great fun pulling out ornaments and reminiscing over Christmases past. Trimming the tree has to be one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. This is Michael and my 8th Christmas together, so we’ve certainly accumulated a few ornaments over the years. I think the ornaments I hold most dear to my heart are the “Our First Christmas Together” ornament, the “Expecting” ornament, and of course our “Baby’s First Christmas” ornament. They chronicle our short life together. I can’t wait to see the ornaments we will collect on our continued journey together.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
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