Sterling knows a little secret Ella has never figured out. First one up in the morning gets to spend a little quality one on one time with Mommy and Daddy. Something to be envied when you’ve spent your entire existence sharing! This morning Sterling woke up bright and early at o’dark thirty (7:30am…why, Sterling, why?), and being as we were in a hotel room, there wasn’t much choice but to go ahead and get up with him and let Ella and Daddy sleep another hour. So off we went to the Starbucks on base for coffee (and soy milk for the boy).

This little elf brought a lot of Christmas cheer to the Starbucks this Friday morning. Everyone was laughing at how cute he looked in his Christmas jammies while he ate his cereal bar and drank his milk. This has to be the age I’ve looked forward to for a long time. Old enough to sit in Starbucks and nicely eat his breakfast and drink his milk, but still young enough that when I look at him I see nothing but my sweet baby boy. I suppose that last part may never change.
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