What else is there to do on a snowy morning? These two have found that playing in the sink ranks right up there with Christmas morning…they love it! They have so much fun playing in the water, pouring it back and forth with little cups, and spitting it out like two little fountains. The only problem comes when I call sink time quits. Then you’ve never seen such tears! Ugh! It almost makes me not want to let them play in the sink again if it’s going to cause such drama when I say that it’s over.

Please ignore my daughter’s lack of britches! I swear we don’t let our kids run around half dressed on a regular basis! It’s just really hot in our house. Remember those heated floors I told you about last year? Well, they’re still keeping us nice and toasty this year. Really toasty. We only run the floors for a few hours every morning, and then we have to open the windows to cool things down. It’s hot in here! Michael turns the floors on when he leaves for PT in the mornings, and by 9am I have to turn them off or risk heat stroke. The good news is, they do keep the house warm for the rest of the day and all through the night, the bad news is on occasion I have half dresses babies trying to beat the heat!

If we’re going to makes a mess of the sink, we might as well go all out, right? Bubbles! Or as Sterling and Ella both call them, "bahhh-bulls". That’s right, playing in the sink really can get even better!

I had to add this quick little funny. As I’m updating this blog, the kids are in their cribs, supposed to be sleeping. They went down at 7:30pm, and we didn’t hear a peep out of them…for about 30 min. Then the singing and talking started. Sharing a room is getting to a difficult age. They’re each other’s greatest source of entertainment! Ella has absolutely worn the finish off of her crib on the rail that adjoins Sterling’s crib. They spend a lot of time cracking each other up. So, tonight when I heard the chattering and giggles start, I didn’t think too much of it. As I mentioned, I was updating my blog! I have the baby monitor sitting next to my computer, so I can hear all their happy coos and figured eventually they’d fall asleep. Well, 30 min. later, I’ve finished updating my blog, and I still hear Sterling singing a love song. It goes something like “two, two, two, Daaaddy, ohhhh, weee!” So, I figure I need to go re-situate him, give him a paci, and send him on to dreamland. I walk into their room, and what has Sterling done? His little arms have finally gotten long enough to reach the (above) framed picture of Michael holding them at 3 weeks old! I’ve always kept that picture in their nursery, but lately they’ve really become obsessed with pictures with Mommy or Daddy in them. So, he’s lying in his crib with this picture, singing a song to Daddy. It melted my heart!
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