We’ve had snowy days for the past 3 days, and although some of it melts by mid-afternoon, we’ve managed to accumulate a little bit. I swear, when we got here last year we had lots of snow. There were several mornings we woke up to white out conditions! Not this year. We’ve had snow, but nothing like what we had last year. Maybe it will come in February? Anyhow, we took the kids out this morning to enjoy the snow and do a little sledding down our street. Sarah and Eve joined us, and we all had lots of fun!

Sterling’s full attention turns skyward whenever he hears a helicopter or fighter jet fly by. We have finally grasped what he’s saying when he sees one, “hi, duck-a duck-a”. I really think he’s trying to say, “hi, helicopter”. I think he’s got a little of the flying bug in his genes.

Not so sure what to think about this snow stuff…it sticks to everything! Both the kids remain fascinated with trying to pick up the powdery snow. We have to do a mitten change mid-play or their little fingers would be wet and freezing!

You wouldn't think she could move with all those layers on! At least she stayed nice and toasty!

Winter time fun! Actually, I think he’s just as happy as we were not to spend another day cooped up inside. We were all getting some pretty bad cabin fever. Thankfully, it was sunny and relatively warm out today (relative being the key word…there was snow on the ground after all).

Ella simply cannot say “snow”. Every time it’s snowing she runs the door to watch the snowfall. I’ll say to her, “can you say, hi to the snow?” And she’ll smile and say, “hi, nose!” She can’t grasp that the "S" comes before the "N" sound, not after. So, “hi, nose” it is!

Ready. Set. Go! Ella maintained a lead over Sterling. I’m pretty sure it’s because she’s so much lighter than he is…she just flies right by him.

Sledding with Eve and a very pregnant Sarah.

Sterling found this kind of sledding to be much more agreeable. He liked the gentle incline of the road in front of our house. Mommy, Daddy, and Mrs. Sarah on the other hand got a pretty good work out running along side the sleds and then dragging them back up the small hill multiple times (with babies on the sleds).

This evening I was looking at the pictures from today while Ella sat in my lap. As soon as she saw a picture of herself sledding she started saying “weeee!” Do you think she likes?

I married that man?! Yes, that’s my husband sledding down the street on his stomach. Need I say more?

Bye, bye, Daddy! Sterling waves as Michael whooshes past him on the sled.

Um, Daddy, I think the power steering is out on this thing!

Stop everything! There goes another one of those duck-a duck-a’s!

3 Amigos. What? Spanish on a Korean blog? Okay, never mind. 3 chingus.

Going for a little winter stroll. Don’t you wonder what these two friends are chatting about?

The three musketeers are off to find some more hills to sled down?

We're back in the H2O. After a very long, and very dry weekend we have water once more. Hallelujah! These two were starting to get a touch of diaper rash, so a much anticipated bath couldn't have come at a better time. You never realize exactly how much you need water until you are forced to go without it. Splish, splash...it's a wonderful sound!
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