Opps, I did it again! Ella makes her best Britney Spears impersonation diving her car with baby on her lap.

Wherever Ella goes, baby goes too! The little baby doll that Grand-Mère gave Ella during our visit has become like a 3rd child to us. Ella carries her around EVERYWHERE! If we’re leaving in the car, so is baby. If we’re going grocery shopping, so is baby. If we’re going for a swing, you can bet that baby is swinging too. Such a girly girl this one!

Today was the Oktoberfest at Camp Eagle. Part of the festivities included a bake off for best German dessert. My entry was a black forest cake, and boy was it yummy! I didn’t win (a soldier did), but my cake rocked if I do say so myself! Chocolate cake with cherries baked in…it was heavenly! And pretty too!

Fall is much cooler here than it is in the southeastern United States. Already the babies’ winter coats and hats have been broken out to stroll around Oktoberfest.

Baby Mason is 13 months younger than Ella and Sterling. It’s very hard for me to believe my children were this little only a short year ago. Where have my sweet babies sleeping on my shoulder gone?

They had a bounce room blown up outside for the little ones to enjoy. I was so excited for Ella and Sterling to get on the bouncer. We’ve been to several events over the past few weekends were bouncers were set up, but I couldn’t let the kids go on them because they would’ve been trampled by all the big kids flying around in there. Well, since our installation has no school-aged children here, the oldest child around is Emma who is 3. Funny, here baby brother is the youngest child around too! Good job keeping all the bases covered Lyndsay! : ) Anyhow, as I was saying, the kids were finally on a level playing field age wise, so I let them go in the bouncer with all the other toddlers. Sterling, well, lets just say he wasn’t so keen about being all off balance. He likes to run, not fall. Ella on the other hand had a blast. She was a nut! She’d stand herself up to purposely be flopped back down when someone would bounce near her. She had so much fun! Actually, I think all the toddlers (with the exception of Sterling had a blast flipping and flopping around!

Once Sterling saw Daddy standing outside the bouncer it was all over for this boy. He thought he’d much rather stand outside in the safety of his Daddy’s arms than to get knocked around inside that crazy thing!

I told you Ella loved the bounce house! At one point Michael had gone to stand in line for hotdogs, so I was supposed to be watching both babies. Sterling started to fuss about something, so I turned my attention to him. Before I knew it, Ella had very quietly slipped away and was walking towards the bouncer. So I picked up Sterling, and we began to tail her. Not once did she look back! She got where she wanted to be and climbed on up, and started bouncing all by herself! Seriously, she didn’t care that all the other children had moved on to the next activity that just meant more bouncing room for her! Funny, funny, girl.
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