And what a busy day we have planned for today! I’ll start you with some Christmas pictures for you viewing pleasure.

I just love these precious little outfits. They have the nativity scene smocked on the front.

I know this picture is very similar to the last, but I’m having a hard time deciding which I think is cuter, so I thought I’d just include both! I know all the Grandparents won’t mind!

Christmas kisses for a sweet brother and sister.
Christmas, my child, is love in action."
~ Dale Evans (1912-2001)

Christmas is the keeping-place for memories of our innocence."
~ Joan Mills

At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year."
~ Thomas Tusser (c. 1515-1580)

Ride that pony cowgirls and boys!

What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace."
~ Agnes M. Pahro

This afternoon we attended the Christmas Party for 538th Ord. Co. I think all the soldiers, and Korean workers (pictured) had a wonderful time.

1SG Michael and his soldiers…Detonators set it off.

Michael was very honored that both the “full bird” Colonel, Colonel Pate as well as the Battalion Commander, Colonel Dusterhoff both drove in from out of town just to attend the Christmas Party (also pictures is Cpt. Stogner). Michael spent a lot of time and energy coordinating this party, so he was very proud they were in attendance, as I was of him.

The kids check out the gift under the tree that Mrs. Yu got them for Christmas…hermit crabs. Oh, yay! Just what I was hoping they’d get.

These kids never tire of all the balloons they keep finding at each party we go to.

Ella and Sterling stop running circles just long enough to eat a bite of lunch with their favorite Tia.

Mrs. Yu and the Bella reindeer.

The Korean workers of 538th all enjoyed participating in some Karaoke after the meal. Ella thought it was great fun to be serenaded!

Sterling and Daddy rocking around the Christmas tree.

I’m so glad my sister was in town! I finally get to have my picture made with my children!

From our family to yours.

Next up on our Christmas Eve agenda was dinner at Sarah and Kevin’s house. We had such a lovely dinner with our good friends and neighbors! Sarah made a delicious prime rib, twice baked potatoes, a tangy salad, rolls, and of course, LOTS of desserts. She always makes tons of desserts (my kind of gal!). We’ve been so blessed to spend the holiday season with such great friends, and having my sister in town was the icing on the cake. Thank you again to the “S” Family for a warm and friendly evening!

This was so cute (and ingenious on Sarah’s behalf). She set up a kid’s table in her kitchen for all the little ones to eat at. All 4 of the kids loved it! They thought it was so incredibly neat to eat sitting around their own little table, and not strapped into highchairs. I think having big girl Emma (who is 3 years old) helping to set a good example helped a lot. Under normal circumstances they may not sit still and actually eat their dinner, but since Emma made such a good example, the 3 younger ones were willing to follow right along. It was so cute! All the adults spent a lot of the dinner cooing over how cute they were and how proud we were. We actually got to enjoy a nice long dinner with very little interruption!

Little Mason was the only baby who was still just a little too young to sit at the kid’s table. This year he had to sit with his Mommy and Daddy, but I guarantee you next Christmas he’ll have a seat reserved next to his big sis Emma.
This prime rib was to die for. Sarah did an incredible job. None of us could stop raving about how delicious her meal was.

Ella, Sterling and Emma all enjoy nibbling on Christmas cookies for dessert.

Yes, that would be my 21-month-old son being given water out of my Waterford crystal goblet. Leave it to Tia to feed the baby from crystal!

Sterling and Ella open a gift from Eve.

After opening the first gift, they had this whole thing down, and were happy to go to town opening all the presents they were given.

Jenn took this picture so you could get a brief idea of the chaos that ensued as 3 families exchanged and opened gifts. Wrapping paper everywhere!

Ella, Daddy and Emma all take time to oh and ahh over Emma’s new baby princess doll.
I think I can safely speak for all 3 families when I say this was a very special Christmas Eve that we will always cherish and remember.
Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends."
~ Margaret Thatcher (1925- )

Ella and Emma enjoy goofing around with each other.

5 Little Christmas Angels. Would you even believe this was the last picture of the evening? Look at all those smiling babies! As you can see, we all had lots of fun this Christmas Eve. (It didn’t hurt that all the Mommies were dancing around like fools in an attempt to get everyone to smile at once.)
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