Today Ella and Sterling had a doctor’s appointment just to clear them for travel to China and since we were there (it’s a 2 hour trip both ways) we went ahead and knocked out their 2-year well baby check up as well. They did have to get a couple of shots, but we are now finished with shots until they are 4 years old! Hooray! Ella weighed 26 pounds and initially measured 31 inches (more on that later). She’s just perfect!

Sterling has proven he’s not going to be that tiny boy he was when he was born forever! Sterling weighed a whopping 29lbs. 6oz.!!!! He measured 33 in. tall. I disputed Ella’s measurements with the doctor. I simply do not believe Ella is a full 2 inches shorter than Sterling. The doctor agreed there is margin for error when trying to measure a squirming toddler. I’m splitting the difference and saying she’s 32 inches tall. So, my children now weigh a combined total of 55lbs. 6oz.! How’s that for a work out when I have to carry them both up and down the stairs? Here’s another fun fact about how much they’ve grown. When they were born, their combined weight was 11lbs. 3oz. Talk about carrying around a lot of baby. And my mother thinks she has bragging rights for having 9-pound babies! As of today my children weigh 5 times what they weighed at birth! That’s phenomenal to me. Can you imagine that rate of growth?!

After our doctor’s appointment, we still had lots of errands to run, but per Grammy’s written request, I stopped at the playground to let the kids run for a while before being crammed into the car. It certainly did help. Neither one has been bothered in the least by sore legs from their shots!

Who would even believe he had shots just prior to this picture?
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