Tonight we joined Mrs. Yu and her family in a walk up Chiaksan Mountain for a tour of the nature center up there and a small event being held to promote keeping the natural beauty and environment of Chiaksan protected. It was a cold, drizzling, and damp night, so the walk wasn’t so pleasant. Luckily the new stroller does have awesome shades that pull down completely almost like a pram. The shades pull all the way down to the kids’ handlebars. Unfortunately, asking Ella and Sterling to keep the shades down so they’d be protected from the rain was impossible. We were all a little damp when we got to the top and the nature museum, and Michael was just about exhausted from pushing the stroller up the side of a mountain, but we still had an enjoyable evening.

The nature museum was much more fun for the kids than I anticipated. They enjoyed the aquarium in South Carolina, so I was optimistic that they would enjoy the nature museum, but I didn’t anticipate them finding as interesting as they did. The both had lots of fun looking at all the fish, mice, snakes, and bugs in all the terrariums on display. Ella even participated in a hands-on exhibit. One exhibit allowed people to touch and hold the largest grubs I’ve ever seen! GROSS! I wanted nothing to do with this, nor did I really want my children touching it, but Ella was super curious. When one of the curators handed Ella a grub I thought I would die! But she loved it…nothing too gross for her.

Some of the gross bugs they have living in these parts. I'm telling you, I saw bugs here last summer that I have never seen before in my whole life!

Just a sweet picture of Michael and Sterling walking through the nature center.

Sterling loved watching the fishies swim.

Ella watches some mice burrowing in their nests.

Ella tells Mrs. Yu all about the neat critters she saw tonight.

Back outside in the cold to watch the concert benefiting the preservation of Chiaksan with Eun Ji and her younger cousin Sang Heon.

Where’s the best place to watch a concert from? From atop Daddy’s shoulders, of course! Sterling had the best and certainly the highest seat in the house to watch the event.

The concert was so interesting. As cold as it was, I’m glad we went. They had lots of traditional performances, including these two men. One gentleman played the drum, while the second made music by blowing on a leaf. Truly one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I wish I could accurately describe the sounds coming off this leaf. It sounded like a soprano female signing an eerily beautiful and haunting love song. Incredible! I captured a few seconds of it on film, but it truly doesn’t do it any justice. Watch it here : (video coming soon).
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