I’m sure some may remember the stir the US Olympic team cyclist caused when arriving in Beijing this past summer wearing masks. I’m not sure why that was such a fuss? Because it was offensive to the host country? Well guess what? Lots of folks here wear these masks! Mainly people who have respiratory issues and don’t want to be inflamed by the weather or the Yellow Dust (read: pollution from…CHINA!). They’re very common on small children. Who wants to subject their beautiful children’s perfect, unpolluted lungs to the noxious winds that blow in from the West (read again: CHINA!). So, today I picked up a mask for each baby. I actually have something a little different in mind. On bitterly cold days here (like the ones were we wake up to -12 degree weather…and that’s not factoring in wind chill), I think these masks will be very handy in adding a little extra warmth to their noses!

For as much as Sterling loves Michael, I think Ella’s love for her Daddy might be equal. I just thought this was a sweet little picture of Ella and Michael. Michael was working on his computer when Ella crawled up into his lap with her baby. She very contentedly sat there playing with her dolly on her Daddy’s lap for the longest time (quite a show of affection from a toddler who is always on the go).
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